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MyClientBase - Free & Open Source Invoicing System (Updated Jan 15, 2010)

Hi all.

This will be the last update I'll post here in the CodeIgniter forums since not many people seem to have any input on MyClientBase. Feel free to come join the forums if you'd like to contribute ideas, suggestions, etc, to the project.

Update (Jan 15, 2010) (See the latest post in thread for changes in current version)

MyClientBase is a modular (using Modular Extensions) and super easy to use system that you can use to manage your client information and generate invoices. The goal of MCB is to provide freelancers with a system to generate invoices as simply as possible. MCB is also available in many different languages (and more being added frequently).

Please feel free to download, install, tinker with and let me know what you think! There's also a demo available for you to test drive it without downloading and installing it (username: admin / password: admin).

Download MyClientBase!


1. Download the latest version of MyClientBase.
2. Unpack and copy the files to your web server.
3. Create an empty database.
4. Open system/core/config/config.php and adjust the $config['base_url'] variable.
5. Open /system/core/config/database.php and adjust the $db['default'] variables for hostname, username, password and database.
6. Set /system/core/plugins/dompdf/lib/fonts as writeable by your web server.
7. Visit index.php/setup to finish the install.


1. Perform steps 1 & 2 from the install directions.
2. Visit index.php/setup and click the Upgrade button.

That's it!

I developed this using PHP 5.2.6 and MySQL 5.0.75, so it may or may not work on lesser versions.

Oh, a quick hint... I don't have the system set up yet to warn you when you try to create an invoice without first having created a client - so be sure to create a client before you try and create an invoice.

One can delete its own user, even if it's the last one ^^
Apart from that it looks nice and simple...well done

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
D13, any demo?

[quote author="waldmeister" date="1247142612"]One can delete its own user, even if it's the last one ^^
Apart from that it looks nice and simple...well done[/quote]

Good catch, I'll see that gets taken care of, thanks!

[quote author="bargainph" date="1247150046"]D13, any demo?[/quote]

Nope, no demo at the moment... but installation is dead simple!

A little i18n please change your database charset from latin1 to utf8 Smile because I'm thai I cannot store thai character in your table.

I just attached my sql file that change latin1 to utf8 already.

[quote author="DominixZ" date="1247179381"]A little i18n please change your database charset from latin1 to utf8 Smile because I'm thai I cannot store thai character in your table.[/quote]

Will do - thanks!

I've made a demo available for anybody interested.

URL: http://demo.myclientbase.com
Username: admin
Password: password

the only thing i see is OK Demo!

Oops, it's been fixed.

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