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Generate very basic CI project from the command line

Hi everybody,
I just started using CI and I wanted to have a way of generating a very basic CI project from the command line. What I mean by that is a lot simpler and minimalistic than it sounds: a fresh unzipped CI folder is copied to the current folder, renamed and then the user is given the choice to move the application folder outside the system folder. I created a very simple bash script that does exactly that.
Before you continue reading, please be warned that I litteraly learned bash programming while writting this script so the code is definitely rudimentary and perfectible. Aditonally, the code is quite poorly documented, I'm sorry about that. However it's enough for me.
I only tested this script in OS X 10.5 but I'm pretty sure it will work perfectly in any Unix-based/Linux Distribution that has bash installed and probably under Windows with Cygwin
# This is where the CodeIgniter main folder is

# The current date used for the default project name if no project name is submited
date=`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`

# Create the main project folder
if [ -z $1 ]
    read -p "Choose a name for your project: [Default: ci-$date]" project_name
    if [ -z $project_name ]
        \cp -R $ci_dir ./ci-$date
        \cp -R $ci_dir ./$project_name
    let "folder_exists= 1"
    while [ $folder_exists -eq 1 ]
        if [ -d $1 ]
            echo 'This directory already exists'
            read -p "Choose a name for your project: [Default: ci-$date]" project_name
            if [ -z $project_name ]
                let "folder_exists= 0"
                \cp -R $ci_dir ./ci-$date
                if [ -d $project_name ]
                    let "folder_exists= 1"
                    let "folder_exists= 0"
                    \cp -R $ci_dir ./$project_name
            let "folder_exists= 0"
            \cp -R $ci_dir $1

# Ask the user if he wants to move the application folder outside the system folder
echo "Project folder created in $dir/"
read -p "Do you want to move the application? [Default: y]"$'\n'"[y/n] " -n 1 choice
if [ -z $choice ] || [ $choice = 'y' ]
    cd "$project_name"
    mv system/application application
    cd -
    echo 'application folder moved outside the system folder'
echo -e "\nProject generated successfully in $dir/$project_name"

To use this script, copy the code in a blank file, name it ci (or whatever you want). Replace the path in line 3 with the path of the CI folder in you computer, the one that will be copied to the new location to create your new project, and make it exectable:
chmod a+x ci

then move the file to the folder of you choice and add that folder to the $PATH. I chose the ~/bin/ folder for the exemple:
mv ci ~/bin
To add that folder to the path, the easiest way is to open ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc (under OS X it's .bash_profile, under Linux it's .bashrc - create the appropriate file if it doesn't exist) and add that line at the bottom of the file:
export PATH=/Users/aziz/bin:$PATH
Notice: if the file already exists and the $PATH is already exported, you can just append the folder path to the value of the path, ie:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/subversion:/Users/aziz/bin:$PATH
Also don't forget to replace /Users/aziz/bin with the correct path..

I release this code to the public domain, do whatever you want with it Wink And feel free to criticize as much as you want Smile (just try not to be mean please)

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