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How can I do this with CI?

I have just downloaded CI and I am new to using the framework.

What I am trying to achieve is this type of sign up form, but in CI:


The user clicks on request services from the homepage, they are taken to /request
They type in a service and it autosuggests based on the database entries of services (ajax?)
Other form details use AJAX too
The user should be able to upload multiple files
After entering all details (you can use M4C 1B5 for the zip code if you get stuck), they can then go to the next page

Their listing is displayed and the google map location corresponding to zip code entered
I'd like to include an edit button to go back and edit the listing
Bottom left to have only the 'signup' form

Once form validates that all fields are ok (and user is unique), they submit and they are now registered.

They are then taken to /account and their 'request' is displayed in their account area.

If someone is able to create a tutorial on this or has something very similar already created which they are willing to share, it would be very VERY much appreciated!

Meanwhile, I'll be going through other tutorials so if anyone has any great references to point me in the right direction as to the above application I would like to create, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you!

The main thing is done with jquery, jquery-ui, and jquery tools. The rest, view and ajax can be done in CI.

There are examples of everything in jquery, ui, and tools packages. (like: datepicker, autocomlete, etc...)

Definitely possible with CI. Specifically using jquery and the many autocomplete/autosuggest plugins. Google is your friend... "jquery autocomplete". Many of the links include PHP files that will show you how to return data from a database. Just remember that you'll be converting the PHP code into a function that will exist in your controller. so your ajax URL wont be a .php file but instead a path to CI controller function.

Hope this helps, PM me if you need more details and assistance.


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