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integrate gapi in codeigniter


Is anybody has successfully integrated the gapi as library in codeigniter.I'm trying to do that but as I debuge it the variable are not passed to the library
in my controller i'm initilaizing the library
$this->load->library( 'gapi', array( 'email' => "email",'password' => "pass" ));

than normally the gapis class construct method shoul pick up the this 2 variables but actually doesn't happening.

I will try to do it here too


I found a viable solution to the problem. After googling a while I was finding the following post.Is not hundred% what I want but whit a bit of hard-coding you can achieve results.

Rename the file gapi.class.php to gapi.php
Rename the class form "gapi" to "Gapi"

public function __construct($email, $password, $token=null)
    if($token !== null)
      $this->auth_token = $token;

public function __construct($params)
    $email = (isset($params['email']))?$params['email']:NULL;
    $password = (isset($params['password']))?$params['password']:NULL;
    $token = (isset($params['token']))?$params['token']:NULL;
    if($token !== null)
      $this->auth_token = $token;

It is loading with no errors here.

thansk I'm gonna give a try with your code

And I remove this 2 lines. 281 and 282
//$account_root_parameters['startDate'] = strval($google_results->startDate);
    //$account_root_parameters['endDate'] = strval($google_results->endDate);
I think gapi isn't update

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