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flexi cart - A comprehensive shopping cart library for CodeIgniter

[eluser]Patrick Spence[/eluser]
Quote:@patrick Spence
I've seen Stripe being mentioned about a fair bit.
As you say, the problem with developing for alot of payment processors is needing to create a financial account, but since you say Stripe doesn't require this, i'll have to give it a look when I get some time.

I threw up the code I am using to talk to stripe here: https://github.com/ariven/stripe-integration-as-models

They really were easy to work with, only took me a couple days to type it all in. I have it active on one ecommerce site now, and am in the middle of integrating in another. Its taking me longer to create the forms and do program logic on the site rewrite than it does to integrate the charging.

One advantage to stripe is that you can use their javascript method to grab a card token, so the customers credit card doesn't have to hit your server... so less issues with PCI-DSS and hacked sites.

Though you CAN grab the card and get a token via php.

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flexi cart - A comprehensive shopping cart library for CodeIgniter - by El Forum - 05-19-2012, 08:39 AM

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