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Odd Cart Behavior

I am offering free products if certain criteria are met and I am getting the following error when I try to add the free product to the cart "ERROR - 2012-06-26 16:14:13 --> An invalid price was submitted for product ID: 38". I am trying to send the price as 0.00, and i have also tried (float)0.00, and '0.00'. Nothing works. Does anyone have any ideas?

Try .00 if not then you would need to extend the cart class and fix it the current function removes all 0 before the decimal point.

That did not work. Are there any updates to the cart class that would fix this. I am using version 2.1.0 right now.

Nothing I have tried thus far has worked. What would I need to do as far as extending the cart class that would enable it to accept 0.00 as a price?

does 0 not work?

this is what I do:

$data = array(
       'id'      => $model_id,
       'qty'     => 1,
       'price'   => '0.00',
       'name'    => $model_id

I had that at first. Here is my add method from my cart controller. Note that in this particular instance the 'free_nail' or 'free_tanktop' attribute will be TRUE, so the price gets reset as 0.00 (I have included comments where it happens). The error logs are telling me that the price is invalid.

public function add($options_to_check = array('color', 'size', 'free_nail', 'free_tanktop'))
    if ($this->input->post('free_nail')) {
        $price = 0.00; // price is set here
        $this->session->set_userdata('free_nail', TRUE);
    } elseif ($this->input->post('free_tanktop')) {
        $price = 0.00; // price is set here
        $this->session->set_userdata('free_tanktop', TRUE);
    } else {
        $price = $this->Cart_model->getProductPrice($this->input->post('id'));
    $data = array(
        'id'    => $this->input->post('id'),
        'name'  => str_replace('/', '-',$this->input->post('name')),
        'qty'   => (int)$this->input->post('quantity'),
        'price' => (float)$price
    $options = array();
    foreach($options_to_check as $option) {
        if($this->input->post($option)) {
            $options[$option] = str_replace('/', '-', $this->input->post($option));
    if(count($options)) {
        $data['options'] = $options;
    if ($this->cart->insert($data)) {
        if (!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
        } else {
                ->set_output(json_encode(array('message' => 'TRUE', 'data' => $data)));
    } else {
        if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
                ->set_output(json_encode(array('message' => 'FALSE', 'data' => $data)));

The difference between my code and your code is:

$price = '0.00' // a string
$price = 0.00 // a float


The weird thing is that I had it as '0.00' too and it still would not work.

You also have:

'price' => (float)$price

Well, I put the price variable as a float
$price = 0.00;
and it still doesn't work. Is there some sort of bug in the cart class? This is really driving me crazy.

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