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flexi auth - A user authentication library for CodeIgniter

Hey xuma,
Glad you're liking the library.

You've not really posted enough information for me to diagnose what the problem is, although from you saying that flashdata isn't even working, then you may have a config error with sessions.

Ensure that the following setting is defined via your CI config file (application/config/config.php)
$config['sess_use_database'] = TRUE;
And then ensure that you have inserted the CI session table correctly to your database (Available via the included sql dump file).

Other than that, the best way to diagnose the problem is to install the demo has instructed via http://haseydesign.com/flexi-auth/user_g...stallation.
If the demo works, then you know you have a problem with your custom setup. In which case try and compare the differences between your controllers and config files.

Good luck.

Hey haseydesign ,

Thanks for your reply , it seems
$config['sess_use_database']= TRUE;
main problem.When it is true im getting error and seems when i follow flexi_cart installation guide i setted true.

Thanks again.

I just did a fresh CI install with Flexi Auth and tried to setup the Demo version via the Installation Guide, but when I go to my site (I'm setting it up on a live site), all I'm getting is the following error:

An Error Was Encountered
Unable to load the requested class: flexi_auth_lite

I've gone over the installation guide 10 times now and I'm quite sure I've done everything right. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


If you Google 'Unable to load the requested class' you will get a lot of returned results specifically related to CodeIgniter that may be able to help you track down the problem.

From what I can see as the general cause is that it may be something to do with the letter casing of some of the library or model files.
Other than that, trying to autoload the library (Which is not currently possible with flexi auth) seems to return the same error.

Have you renamed any of the library files?
Are you loading the library similar to the following method?

$this->auth = new stdClass;

[quote author="haseydesign" date="1354016594"]
Have you renamed any of the library files?
Are you loading the library similar to the following method?

$this->auth = new stdClass;

No I haven't renamed anything, this is a totally fresh install of the demo, just as it is instructed. I'm not loading any library, just uploading the demo files and going to my URL.

[quote author="pinmouse" date="1354027861"][quote author="haseydesign" date="1354016594"]
Have you renamed any of the library files?
Are you loading the library similar to the following method?

$this->auth = new stdClass;

Basically mate you have to combine the demo files and the library files in order to work.

The demo is working like a charm, and the documentation is superb!!!

I have installed the demo but am unable to logout or use the ajax login (it does nothing). It seems to work in IE but doesn't work in FF or Chrome.


I've sent you a pm to try and help you out with your problem. Awaiting your reply.

[quote author="haseydesign" date="1354539253"]@jimsefton

I've sent you a pm to try and help you out with your problem. Awaiting your reply.[/quote]


Thanks, but I have no sign of a PM from you, please can you try it again?



Hey Jim,
I think these forums have developed a few problems with their notification and private message system no longer working.

Can you zip your flexi auth application folder and email it to me at flexiauth [at] haseydesign [dot] com.
I'll try having a look at it for you.


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