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flexi auth - A user authentication library for CodeIgniter


I found a nice simple way for codeigniter to connect facebook stellarfrequency.com and it works well when I tested it.

I want to use this code with flexi auth, not to sign in or register but simply just import some data. The problem I have comes from the "controller/autoload.php"

The default flexi auth autoload.php

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Auto-load Libraries
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| These are the classes located in the system/libraries folder
| or in your application/libraries folder.
| Prototype:
| $autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'xmlrpc');

$autoload['libraries'] = array();

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Auto-load Helper Files
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
| $autoload['helper'] = array('url', 'file');

$autoload['helper'] = array();

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Auto-load Config files
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
| $autoload['config'] = array('config1', 'config2');
| NOTE: This item is intended for use ONLY if you have created custom
| config files.  Otherwise, leave it blank.

$autoload['config'] = array();

The facebook connect autoload.php
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Auto-load Libraries
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| These are the classes located in the system/libraries folder
| or in your application/libraries folder.
| Prototype:
| $autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'xmlrpc');

$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'form_validation', 'Facebook', 'Auth');

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Auto-load Helper Files
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
| $autoload['helper'] = array('url', 'file');

$autoload['helper'] = array('html', 'url', 'form');

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Auto-load Config files
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
| $autoload['config'] = array('config1', 'config2');
| NOTE: This item is intended for use ONLY if you have created custom
| config files.  Otherwise, leave it blank.

$autoload['config'] = array('Stellar');

How can I solve this ... maybe a direction how I should configure those settings to match.

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
flexi auth - A user authentication library for CodeIgniter - by El Forum - 01-26-2013, 07:08 AM

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