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flexi auth - A user authentication library for CodeIgniter


When you say you are closing your browser, are you actually completely closing the browser, or just the browser tab that has the flexi auth demo open?
I know that at least with Chrome, if you just close the tab, then it does not remove the cookie until the browser is properly closed.

If this is not the case, could you let me know the browser version that you're using.



My first steps to diagnose the problem here would be to ensure that the user id and the uacc_forgotten_password_token both match the value within the database, then ensure that the uacc_forgotten_password_expire date is still in the future.

You can redefine the expire time of forgotten passwords via the config setting:
$config['security']['expire_forgotten_password'] = 15;

If nothing stands out as wrong, then what is the code that you're using to run this feature?


It works now. I was autoloading the flexi_auth model. I believe it was because I was loading the model before the library, since I was loading the library only on MY_Controller.

Thanks anyway.

Keepup the good work.

1- when loggen in i used this function
if ($this->flexi_auth->is_logged_in() && uri_string() != 'auth/logout')
3- "login_via_password_token" is alwasy found even after close the browser
4- I closed the whole browser

Quote: $config['sessions']['name'] = 'flexi_auth';
$config['sessions']['user_identifier'] = 'user_identifier';
$config['sessions']['logged_in_via_password'] = 'logged_in_via_password';
$config['cookies']['user_id'] = 'user_id';
$config['cookies']['remember_series'] = 'remember_series';
$config['cookies']['remember_token'] = 'remember_token';
$config['cookies']['login_session_token'] = 'login_session_token';
$config['cookies']['login_via_password_token'] = 'login_via_password_token';

###++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++###
$config['security']['validate_login_onload'] = TRUE;
$config['security']['login_session_expire'] = 60*60*3;
$config['security']['extend_login_session'] = TRUE;
$config['security']['logout_user_onclose'] = FALSE;
$config['security']['unset_password_status_onclose'] = TRUE;
$config['security']['extend_cookies_on_login'] = TRUE;

Hi ya all, I'm a newbie in flexi auth and from the start I was very satisfied
with using flexi_auth. Kudos to "Rob Hussey"

I do have one concern though when defining privileges and groups of
a single user.

I am on a project with a lot of different modules working together.
and assigning a privilege to each user can be quite cumbersome since
every module needs a particular requirement based on what group
a user has and if he/she has privilege to access it. Basically not all
user has equal access rights
for ex.
Case 1: Admin_1 is in "Master Admin" GROUP but he has access to VIEW MODULE_A
Case 2: Admin_2 is in "Master Admin" GROUP but he has no access to VIEW module_A but has access to CRUD (create, read, update, delete) in MODULE_B.
"Admin_1 and Admin_2 since both are in 'Master Admin' GROUP have access to all ADMIN related modules"

My Objective is
1. If I create a user I would like to assign to his/her user_privilege table all the access
needed based on what group_id I assign to the user.
- I can then just optionally access his/her user_privilege table to define other privileges as needed.

Doing it this way an admin user can save time rather than assigning, let's say 1000 different privileges
to a single user.
I just don't know if Flexi_auth has already a feature like this and I was not just successful in finding it.
I would really appreciate if someone can point me on the right direction.

Thank ya all, and have a nice day.


I think what you're asking for is covered via the demo page @ http://haseydesign.com/flexi-auth/auth_a...ser_groups.
Note you'll need to login first to access the page.

If you click one of the 'Manage' links in the 'User Group Privileges' column you will be taken to a page where you can manage all the privileges assigned per user group.

Is that what you're after?

Thanks for the feedback I saw the link

however how do one would be able to toggle
if a user "has privilege from user group"

as seen on the attached screen capture.

[quote author="haseydesign" date="1368712778"]@aresproject

I think what you're asking for is covered via the demo page @ http://haseydesign.com/flexi-auth/auth_a...ser_groups.
Note you'll need to login first to access the page.

If you click one of the 'Manage' links in the 'User Group Privileges' column you will be taken to a page where you can manage all the privileges assigned per user group.

Is that what you're after?



From what I understand, you want to be able to additionally define whether individual users inherit the privileges defined via their user group - is that right?

If this is what you want to be able to do, then unfortunately it is not how the feature is intended to be used.
The privileges that are defined to a user group, are intended to be inherited by EVERYONE in that group.
Consider it that the privileges assigned to that user group should be the absolute minimum privileges that are required by everyone in that group. If and when you then want specific users within that group to have additional privileges, you should then apply it on a per user basis.

If you are running into situations where you need to apply specific privileges to specific users, then I would suggest that you create a custom SQL query to select the targeted users. Then loop through the results and apply/remove the users privileges.
Using the SQL/loop method will save you having to do this on a per user basis - you just need the targeted users to all have something in common so you can select them.


Got it, thanks for pointing me to that direction.

Keep up the good work, Flexi Auth is the best.

Im adding flexi auth to my site, what a great library!

In my database column names I do not use table name prefixes like flexi auth (i might use bad practices?), so I renamed my flexi auth table columns to not have table name prefix like "uacc_id" -> "id" and changed the config accordingly.

Now I found that there is some collisions with the column names as the user gets the wrong id, user id is now same as users group id.

Is this known issue or did I mess up something?


I have a menu that I would like to dynamically show or hide items based on user privilege or group
how can I best achieve this using is_privilege() or any related built in functions of this awesome library.

Again, more power to the team behind flexi auth...
You are doing a great job. Thanks.

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