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I can't connect SQLite3 in codeigniter1.6.0......

I can connected SQLite3 using the PDO_SQLite3, but when I update to 1.6.0,have a wrong message in it:"Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_DB_pdo_driver::db_set_charset() in D:\www\system\database\DB_driver.php on line 198"

what can I do?


[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
Sorry to hear it szlinz. Could you file a bug report for me? In the meantime, open up your

$db['default']['char_set'] = "utf8";

And change utf8 to TRUE

That help?

my god! this problem let me crazy, It still can't work when I using your method. so I have to turn to CI1.5.4.

Using the default sqlite driver :
SQL logic error or missing database caused by special quotes : `
I remove theme and it works.
Can we disable `item` protection in config?

[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
Yes. Aplogoies, open up system/database/drivers/sqlite/sqlite_driver.php and look for the _protect_identifiers() function on 425. Do a search and replace, and remove all "`" from it.

If I can get confirmation from any other user, I'll remove them from CI permanently (apologies, but I don't have access to sqlite).

backquote is not part of the SQL standard, MySQL first implemented it, then some other implementations follow.
I have just red that the latest SQlite supports it.

By the way : my firstname is badly printed on the forum : M'hand should be M'hand

EDIT : SQlite is fine in 1.6.1, thank you!


I've had the same error that slinz report in the start of the thread.
codeigniter 1.6.1 instead of 1.6.0
line 175 instead of 198

I 'solved' this by copying the db_set_charset function from sqlite_driver.php.
This function just returns TRUE

After this alteration I was able to connect to the database.
Next step: trying to enter and retrieve some data :-)


Issue I have could be related to this. I use CI 2.1.4. and sqlite.

This one works:
$query = $this->db->get('maps');

This one does not work:
$query = $this->db->get_where('maps', array('mapid' => $mapid));
SQL: SELECT * FROM (maps) WHERE mapid = '1'
SQL logic error or missing database

This works when run manually: SELECT * FROM 'maps' WHERE mapid = '1'

Is this issue in sqllite side or CI side ? and how to fix please ?


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