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Hello everyone

In my development site's .htaccess I added this rule:

RewriteRule ^/godpanel$ /weird/stuff [R=301,L,PT]

and worked fine, but now when i edited this rule to:

RewriteRule ^/godpanel$ /panel/godpanel [R=301,L,PT]

and save, it keeps using the old '/weird/stuff' redirect

is there a way to reset the modrewrite?? like cleaning the cache


There isn't any cache for mod rewrite. Have you looked into using routes for this?

routing solves some issues, but this is just a testing, cause i want to use the remap option

RewriteMap keys txt:/path/to/file/keys.txt    

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ fd?id=${keys:$1|0}

so here i cant use routes Sad

i dont know why the modrewrite file doesn't reloads

Try to clear the cache of your browser

So cleaning the cache solved the issue, Thanks masrodjie !!

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