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What tools do you use for frontend, CRUD and speed up development?


I've been browsing the forum and saw a thread related to features developers like to choose CodeIgniter:
Now my question is related to the tools we use once we start a new codeigniter application.

This is my list

BACKEND: CodeIgniter + core Helpers, Libraries
CRUD: CodeIgniter + Boostrap + Form Helper + FormValidation.io
DB: mysql mostly
UI: bootstrap (bootswatch) + jQuery + DataTables + FormValidation.io + fontAwesome + plugins (datepickers, fullcalendar, etc. etc.). All local, not loaded from CDN

I'd love to read which tools use others to speed up development, to build UIs, and so.
I'm looking forward to learn Angular, ReactJS and other tools that allow me to speed up development, make interfaces more usables, with less clicks, and to make CRUD easier/quicker, without paying costs with more development time

Thanks!  Wink

Messages In This Thread
What tools do you use for frontend, CRUD and speed up development? - by kabeza - 05-08-2015, 08:48 AM

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