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CodeIgniter bests should stay as they are vs Laravel

Personally I think Eloquent is great name.

And blame, hm, you know, but It is okay. Besides you doesn't have to name templates with "blade". It just extend your funcitonality.

But Eloquent is 100% Fine. And again, you doesn't have to extend Eloquent.

Have to

Laravel is really great and for me - I like these naming and logic, all this set up.
I think you don't know Laravel, u didn't dig in that deep as me, you didn't see and didn't realize the true Beauty of Laravel.

It's like with Nature.
For you these are just strange trees and ground.

For me it is beauty.

There is needing to understand this to see it better, understand, work with, know, dig in deep.

Always minuses and pluses.

But at the end I love both CodeIgniter and Laravel. Smile
They are great both

Messages In This Thread
RE: CodeIgniter bests should stay as they are vs Laravel - by krystian2160 - 09-07-2017, 10:17 AM

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