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Can helper classes be used in CodeIgniter view?

(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 04:08 AM by BakhamMamodar.)

Is it advisable to use helper classes in CodeIgniter's view? I need to extract specific strings using regular expressions from a block of text and generate output on matches. I'm hesitant to do this directly in the view, and I'm wondering if I could use a helper class instead.

The structure of my application is:

I want to call the helper class and return the results in my view file. For instance, I need to extract the processor type from the text, so I pass the text to the helper class and get back the processor type. I need this because all the data in the view is generated dynamically by an API.

Would it be a good approach to use the following koows code in my view?
echo $myhelper->processor($text);

Once loaded, it becomes globally available in your controller and views.

Yes, you can use a helper in the view, look at the Form helper etc; Those are view helpers.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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