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What do "paymentreview" and "echeck" mean?

I have encountered an issue in a CodeIgniter project where I noticed two transactions in the PayPal logs. These transactions have a "pending_reason" value of "paymentreview" and "echeck" respectively. I would appreciate it if someone could explain the meaning of these terms. Should we take any additional actions, or is it the customer's responsibility? It's important to note that we are issuing a refund, and these specific transactions are the ones causing problems out of the entire set.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this matter.

It means they are reviewing the payment, which maybe the echeck.
In other words they need to check that the payment is valid.

It's a hold on the payment until it can be verified to be good.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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