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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

First of all, thanks for great CMS, very easy to understand and extend.

I guess there is no way i could change permissions for users in and modules in beta1, am I right?

Changing db file, but still can't connect to db... and don't say something wrong with information or mysql server, cuz before put pyrocms there was simple CI and it could access the db.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
@Austrys: What is the content of your /config/database.php? There is some extra code in the config file to allow connections to multiple hosts (local, dev, qa and live) but that can be deleted and you can just copy and paste your normal database.php config file in. Also, please delete public_html, that is a ghost folder that I cannot remove from the versioning system!

Other than that PyroCMS does nothing strange with database connections and uses CodeIgniter like anything else.

@sshz: Thanks for taking the time to check out. Sadly that is one feature I have not got round to yet. It should be a simple case of modifying the Admin_Controller class within application/libraries/MY_Controller.php and looking for the group based permissions. IF you would like to have a go I would love to include your code.

If not, you can keep an eye on the Assembla Tickets to see what is being worked on and what is planned for when.

Ok, now I got this to work... but now when adding news, gets this error:

A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1364

Field 'updated_on' doesn't have a default value

INSERT INTO news (title, slug, category_id, intro, body, status, created_on) VALUES ('zzzaaz', 'zzzaaz', '1', 'azazaza', 'zazafdsf df', 'draft', 1241063940)

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
For some reason I missed the default '0' off the end of the MySQL. I have pushed the change which will make sure both the database and the CMS will handle all similar problems.

You can wait for v0.9-beta2 or you can download the bleeding edge version.

Whats bleeding edge version?

Severity: Warning

Message: glob(): Unable to access Z:\home\pyrocms.local\www\application/modules/*/config

Filename: libraries/Router.php

Line Number: 129

I can't install cms on Win, XAMPP

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="Austrys" date="1241106109"]Whats bleeding edge version?[/quote]

Wikipedia says "Bleeding edge is a term that refers to technology that is so new (and thus, presumably, not perfected) that the user is required to risk reductions in stability and productivity in order to use it . It also refers to the tendency of the latest technology to be extremely expensive.".

I just mean its the newest, on-the-fly code-base and not an actual tested release. It's safe enough to use though. Remember to re-run the database/tables.sql though as I changed a few of the schemas.

Not working on Win/XAMPP ey? This will be a tricky one to test, no Win box and Bootcamp/Vitualization is out the picture for me right now.

Anyone else able to try and fix this on Windows and send me a patch? If not, I will try and get to a Win box.

Windows XP SP3, XAMPP 1.7.1, PyroCMS v0.9-beta1 - everything works fine. There are no problems.

This PyroCMS seems to be what I've been looking for a while now, but I can't make it work.

The problem is that the browser is not parsing the PHP. Meaning that It's spitting out the <? tags literally.

I'm on a Windows machine using EasyPHP.

Maybe this problem is not specific to PyroCMS, but I have never encountered this problem
using CI. I do have two other sites done with CI on this same server, and both work fine.

If I can make this work, I will be sharing my Spanish translation.

Any clues on what might be the problem?

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