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problem with uploading CI on the web server

Hi. I have some problems with upload my CI project on the web server. Until now I hosted it only locally on my xampp but i wanted to upload this on the web.
But it's not working.
I thought it was some config.php issue, but after that I've uploaded vanilla CI 3 to test if it's works. So the welcome controller works fine. but when i've created some test controller like:

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class hello extends CI_Controller {

public function index()
echo 'aaaa';

After that i've entered http://mydomain.com/index.php/hello .
So it should print 'aaaa', right? But it didn't. It's just shows 404 error page. And I have this issue with every controller.

Am I doing something wrong? Did I missed something? Any ideas or anything?
Thank you for your help.

Yes, read the notes in the link gadelat posted.

Controller Filename MUST be "Hello.php" (cap first letter)
Controller definition MUST be "class Hello extends CI_Controller" (first letter of classname upper case)

Windows doesn't care about upper/lowercase filenames, but just about everything else in the world does Smile

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