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Send value from view to method and vice versa


I need send value from view to function in controller and return to view.
Example on code:

PHP Code:
echo 'Count: ' AddNumber(2); 

PHP Code:
function AddNumber($value) {
  $NewValue $value*2;
return $NewValue// = 4, pass this to view again in the same place


(09-11-2015, 12:57 PM)vertisan Wrote: Hi!

I need send value from view to function in controller and return to view.
Example on code:


PHP Code:
echo 'Count: ' AddNumber(2); 


PHP Code:
function AddNumber($value) {
  $NewValue $value*2;
return $NewValue// = 4, pass this to view again in the same place

In this case a helper function is the best choice.


If you want to send a value to your controller, you are many ways switch your problem. Here, we don't know if you want t send a vlue when you click on a button (picture, etc.) or when a time is elapsed, etc..
A controller is to manage your wiew and call models.
If you don't need to do that and simply modify a value without using models, a simply helper or library is sufficient.

I think you need AJAX to do this.
Insert a link to the latest Jquery library in the 'head' section of your view (or template).
Jquery makes life a lot easier when it comes to implementing AJAX.

At the bottom of your view, create a script that sends an AJAX-request to the controller (with the current value), and get the new value back.
Jquery can replace the old value by the new value on the fly.

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