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Confusion with .env and config files


I am confused with the new addition in CI4, the .env file. 
Should I use the .env file for the baseURL or I should use the App/Config.php?

Which configuration prevails?

.env file has 
app.baseURL = 'http://mydomain.test',

but the Config/App.php file also has:

public $baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/';

Also, the .env file has Database settings, but so does the Config/Database.php

Confusion goes further:

.env file has:
encryption.key = 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855'

but the Config/Encryption.php has the:

public $key = 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855';

So, which one should I use? The .env file, or the Config files? Which one is preferred for real-life apps
which will be deployed to the clients, but I will have to have them on my localhost as well, for support purposes?

Any advice will be deeply appreciated.

The .env file prevail on everything. The way I see it is the app/Config/ directory contains the settings for your dev environment because you don't want your production settings saved in your source control repository. So on your production server you add a .env file that overrides the default settings and is not overwritten when you push an update.
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(11-01-2020, 06:48 PM)includebeer Wrote: The .env file prevail on everything. The way I see it is the app/Config/ directory contains the settings for your dev environment because you don't want your production settings saved in your source control repository. So on your production server you add a .env file that overrides the default settings and is not overwritten when you push an update.

Thanks for your reply. In such a case, I will then just add the .env on my .gitignore, and I create a .envProduction file, so when I deploy the site I will not replace the production .env file. Using the config files will just confuse me.

Once again, thanks for your advice.

.envProduction will not be read. The filename should only be .env

(11-02-2020, 02:00 PM)paulbalandan Wrote: .envProduction will not be read. The filename should only be .env

Yes, I know that. Client will have file named .env , and I will have 2 files. My .env, and his .env, which will be named .envProduction, so I will know which file is which. No worries.

Once again, thank you very much.

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