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  Helpful Tips!
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 09:12 AM - Replies (5)

[eluser]Jamie Rumbelow[/eluser]
I keep on seeing repeatedly asked questions around and about these forums, so I think we should put together a list of CI related FAQs of sorts. These should be related to the coding side of things.

Good Idea?

  (SOLVED)Need Login Help using Erkanaauth
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 07:29 AM - Replies (8)

I'm trying to create the most basic login area for my application: one admin user and password stored in a mysql table.

I tried following the tutorial by Alex Biddle that uses Erkanaauth but i've mucked it all up and can't get it to work.

Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong and how to fix it?

File locations:

The mysql table was created with the following command:
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`)

The admin user was inserted into the database with
INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ("admin", sha1("demo"));

Here's the code for my login.php controller:


class Login extends Controller

    function Login()
        $this->base = $this->config->item('base_url');
        $this->css = $this->config->item('css');

    Function:    index()
    Purpose:    Provide the Login entry page.
    Output:        Display login page view
    function index()
        $login_form_rules = array
            'username' => 'callback_check_username',
            'password' => 'required'
        $login_form_fields = array
            'username' => 'username',
            'password' => 'password'

        if ($this->validation->run() == FALSE)
          //Load the view file
          $data['css'] = $this->css;
          $data['base'] = $this->base;
          // set the header view
          $data['header'] = $this->load->view('header', '');
          // set the page content
          $data['content'] = $this->load->view('admin/content-login', $data);
          // set the footer view
          $data['footer'] = $this->load->view('footer', '');


    Function:    check_username($username)
    function check_username($username)
        $password = dohash($this->input->post('password'));
        if ($this->erkanaauth->try_login(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)))
            return True;
            $this->validation->set_message('check_username', 'Incorrect login info.');
            return False;


Here's the code for my login view, content-login.php:

<div id="content">

<div id="loginform">
&lt;?php echo $this->validation->error_string; ?&gt;

&lt;?php $attributes = array('id' => 'login'); ?&gt;
&lt;?php echo form_open('admin/index', $attributes); ?&gt;

  <label for="username">Username: </label>
  $username = array(
              'username'    => 'username',
              'maxlength'   => '10',
              'size'        => '25',
  echo form_input($username);
  <label for="password">Password: </label>
  $password = array(
              'password'    => 'password',
              'maxlength'   => '10',
              'size'        => '25',
  echo form_input($password);
    &lt;?php echo form_submit('submit', 'Submit'); ?&gt;
  &lt;?php echo form_close(); ?&gt;


  Confused with set_message validation function
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 07:07 AM - Replies (4)

Hi guys
I've been trying to replace default error messages when validating my forms, but I cannot get it to work.
After searching in forums, I see that the set_message function is called when using callback functions (custom validation routines) but I won't create 1 custom callback routine for just displaying my custom error message

This is my code

$rules['usernamefield']     = 'trim|required';
    $rules['emailfield']         = 'trim|required';

    $this->validation->set_message($rules['usernamefield'], 'You must fill this field!');
    $this->validation->set_message('usernamefield', 'You must fill this field!');

    $this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<span class="error">', '</span><br />');

    $fields['usernamefield']    = 'Your Username';
    $fields['emailfield']    = 'Your Email address';


but this line
$this->validation->set_message($rules['usernamefield'], 'You must fill this field!');
nor this one
$this->validation->set_message('usernamefield', 'You must fill this field!');
aren't working

Should I use set_message only when using callback custom validation functions?

Thanks a lot in adv.

  modifying the codeigniter route structure
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 07:05 AM - Replies (2)


I am trying to achieve the following url structure similar to what you see if you have a basecamp account from 37 signals:

URL Goal:


My current url structure is....


Does anyone know the easiest way to achieve this?



  How can we generate error log file?
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 06:39 AM - Replies (4)

[eluser]Zeeshan Rasool[/eluser]

Quote:Guys!very thnx that you have always been very much coopertive wd me.
Here, I want that when an error occured,the error mesg written in error log file.
here, i copy and add this code in my model from PHP manual,
function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
    // timestamp for the error entry
    $dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)");

    // define an assoc array of error string
    // in reality the only entries we should
    // consider are E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR,
    $errortype = array (
                E_ERROR           => "Error",
                E_WARNING         => "Warning",
                E_PARSE           => "Parsing Error",
                E_NOTICE          => "Notice",
                E_CORE_ERROR      => "Core Error",
                E_CORE_WARNING    => "Core Warning",
                E_COMPILE_ERROR   => "Compile Error",
                E_COMPILE_WARNING => "Compile Warning",
                E_USER_ERROR      => "User Error",
                E_USER_WARNING    => "User Warning",
                E_USER_NOTICE     => "User Notice",
                E_STRICT          => "Runtime Notice"
        // set of errors for which a var trace will be saved
        $user_errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE);
        $err = "<errorentry>\n";
        $err .= "\t<datetime>" . $dt . "</datetime>\n";
        $err .= "\t<errornum>" . $errno . "</errornum>\n";
        $err .= "\t<errortype>" . $errortype[$errno] . "</errortype>\n";
        $err .= "\t<errormsg>" . $errmsg . "</errormsg>\n";
        $err .= "\t[removed]" . $filename . "[removed]\n";
        $err .= "\t[removed]" . $linenum . "[removed]\n";
        if (in_array($errno, $user_errors))
            $err .= "\t<vartrace>" . wddx_serialize_value($vars, "Variables") . "</vartrace>\n";
        $err .= "</errorentry>\n\n";
        // for testing
        // echo $err;
        // save to the error log, and e-mail me if there is a critical user error
        error_log($err, 3, "/system/logs/error.log");
        if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR) {
                    mail("[email protected]", "Critical User Error", $err);

Also there,

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

Table 1. Errors and Logging Configuration Options

[code]Name             Default               Changeable
error_reporting        E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE     PHP_INI_ALL
display_errors          "1"                  PHP_INI_ALL
display_startup_errors "0"                   PHP_INI_ALL
log_errors "0"                               PHP_INI_ALL
log_errors_max_len    "1024"                 PHP_INI_ALL
ignore_repeated_errors "0"                   PHP_INI_ALL
ignore_repeated_source "0"                   pHP_INI_ALL
report_memleaks        "1"                   PHP_INI_ALL
track_errors           "0"                   PHP_INI_ALL
html_errors            "1"                   PHP_INI_ALL
docref_root            ""                    PHP_INI_ALL
docref_ext             ""                    PHP_INI_ALL
error_prepend_string  NULL                   PHP_INI_ALL
error_append_string   NULL                   PHP_INI_ALL
error_log             NULL                   PHP_INI_ALL
warn_plus_overloading NULL                   PHP_INI??

problem is that, where shud i make changing and how an error be passed to that function.
when i call that func. through this code.

Also Here , if upload failed then the 'userErrorHandler' func. called

            $errmsg='error ';
            $this->userErrorHandler(2047, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars);}
no result

plz any one who give some trick or other suggession.
thnx in adv.

  global variable codeigniter
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 06:13 AM - Replies (3)

i have a file with global variable that i have used for build my webapps now i have imported this webapp in CI but i would like to use the same global variable file.

for example my file is written in this way:

$icon_add_category = $icon_folder."attach.gif";
$icon_gallery = $icon_folder."images.gif";
$icon_help = $icon_folder."help.gif";

there is a for use this variable as a global variable autoloaded withouth change the sintax?

otherwise what can i do??


  getting 404s for my CI urls
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 05:42 AM - Replies (13)

I'm trying to get a local copy of a site working under WAMP, the index.php loads fine, but the urls linked through CI don't work at all, I just get a generic 404 page, not even the CI 404 page.

I have changed this to local host >

$config['base_url']    = "http://localhost/";

within config.php but no joy.

If I change the default controller to 'welcome' instead of
$route['default_controller'] = "pages";

within routes.php, I at least get a CI error message

An Error Was Encountered

Unable to load the requested file: welcome_message.php

That's as far as I have got, can anyone help. I'm new to all this and more of a designer than a developer, but I need to get the site running locally for the redesign. Thanks

  Redirection to the action i were before/actually
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 04:51 AM - Replies (2)

Hi everyone,
Following situation:
I have 2 controllers: blog and user(it's the redux authentification library/controller).

I have the following layout that is built in the blog controller:

In the right navigation i have the usercontrol panel (login/logout link and things like this).
The logout link refers to the "user/logout" function listed here:

function logout ()
    $this->redux_auth->logout(); // Destroy the session variables.

With the redirect command it will show me the mainpage (controller: blog/index())
even if i was in the blog/viewpost action before.

What i want:
If i'm looking a blogpost and click the logout link on the right side, it should log me out (user/logout()) but then it should redirect me to the page i was before -> viewing a post in this situation (blog/viewpost())

How is this possible?

  Integrating AMFPHP and CodeIgniter -- the EASY WAY!
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 04:35 AM - Replies (10)

How to integrate CodeIgniter and AMFPHP

Start a new PHP file

Create a class called AMFPHP_CI_Integration.php in your amfphp/services folder:

    class AMFPHP_CI_Integration

Copy the CodeIgniter framework into your amfphp folder

Create the constructor function for the AMFPHP_CI_Integration.php file:

function AMFPHP_CI_Integration extends Controller

Create a CI folder in your amfphp/services folder and create a CodeIgniter.php file:
    if (!defined('BASEPATH')) define ("BASEPATH", "../CodeIgniter/system/");
    if (!defined('APPPATH')) define ("APPPATH", "../CodeIgniter/system/application/");
    if (!defined ("EXT")) define ("EXT", ".php");

    require_once (BASEPATH."codeigniter/Base5.php");
    require_once (BASEPATH."libraries/Controller.php");
    require_once (BASEPATH."codeigniter/Common.php");

This file basically just includes all the base CI files in your service

Add the following code to your constructor function of the AMFPHP_CI_Integration.php file:

parent::Controller ();

and the following code to the top of the file, just below the &lt;?php tag:

require_once ("CI/CodeIgniter.php");

And you're done! Use CodeIgniter in the way you normally would and enjoy!

  Session problem (duplicate records)
Posted by: El Forum - 06-27-2008, 04:14 AM - Replies (1)

I am still using CI 1.6.2 with FreakAuth 1.1

I got a problem with Session (ci_sessions) because when I tried to load on view
like this

   $obj =& get_instance();    
   echo $obj->session->userdata('ip_address');

I notice that my ci_sessions added 1 records. and soon after I refresh this page, I found that my ci_sessions added 1 more records. it also makes me logged out and force me to login again.

my controller was like this
    class Test extends Controller{

        function Test(){
            $this->_container = $this->config->item('FAL_template_dir').'template/container';    

        function index(){
            $data['heading'] = 'Menu';
            $this->mysmarty->assign('name', 'tester');
            $data['mysmartypage'] = "simply for testing <b> test </b> ";
            $data['message'] = 'this page is for testing purposes only ' ;

am i make any mistakes in here ?

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