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Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - Printable Version

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Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - El Forum - 07-03-2009

Thank you,it is very useful.
it works very well, but have a issue.
I can't redirect a page when I load the plugin.
anybody help me to resolute it.


Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - El Forum - 08-20-2009

[eluser]Sean Downey[/eluser]
this is great - thank you.

One thing: the fckeditor directory must be accessible to the web or the editor will not work so if you have your system folder outside the docroot you will have to change the paths accordingly.

Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - El Forum - 08-29-2009

[quote author="umefarooq" date="1236273226"]i just check the in CI doc there is written that

GET data is simply disallowed by CodeIgniter

here you can check in doc

Get data

how to enable enable GET for any editors only like fckeditor or tinymce. for ajax purpose these editors are passing variables using get to php files.[/quote]

I've found the solution to this.
Just set the correct $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] in \fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\php\config.php

My situation is like this:
The fckeditor is located in http://www.kullcms.local/www/www/admin/js/fckeditor
The filebrouser config is in kullcms.local\www\www\admin\js\fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\php\config.php
so I've set the $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] to:
$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = '../../../../../../../assets/' ;
and $Config['UserFilesPath'] to:
$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/assets/' ;

In consequence it's working fine and no more "The server didn't reply with a proper XML data. Please check your configuration" error displayed.

Fckeditor in CodeIgniter 1.7.1 in 10 steps - El Forum - 11-08-2009

@kulldox really thanks but for me tinymce and tinybrowser are wroking really fine no problem at all with CI, both are really great plugins and easy to deploy