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Function set_value() not working as expected - Printable Version

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Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 05-03-2010

[quote author="Tooker" date="1260783816"]Had this same problem using 1.7.2 and google took me here. This is still unresolved. Regards,



Has anyone been able to confirm if this has been resolved in the current build of v2 yet?

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 06-17-2010

I've ran into this problem today and thanks to jbreitweiser for providing the fix.

It would be good to this fix in the next update.

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 06-25-2010

Thanks jbreitweiser for your fix! Worked for me (v1.7.2), though I would recommend extending the CI_Form_validation (MY_Form_validation) instead of replacing the functions Smile

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 08-17-2010


thanks for this, it work well.

Little rectification :
User guide give as example
<input type="checkbox" name="mycheck[]" value="1" <?php echo set_checkbox('mycheck[]', '1'); ?> />
Actually with jb' solution, it is
<input type="checkbox" name="mycheck[]" value="1" <?php echo set_checkbox('mycheck', '1'); ?> />
Same for radio, didn't try on <input type="text" name="mycheck[]" ... />.

Bye Smile

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 09-13-2010

[quote author="kandmcreative" date="1235519540"]I think we definitely need a solution where the array index is not needed, since often times, we don't know how many elements we will have.[/quote]

There is a solution posted on this thread that just worked for me: .

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 09-23-2010

[eluser]Anes P.A[/eluser]
Hi pals,

I am also Really Tired in this Super Bug . If we don't give a validation in a field, that
field cannot populate with the
set_value('field_name') as described in CI manuel.
<p><label>Parent Name: &lt;input type="text" name="p_name" value="&lt;?php echo set_value('p_name'); ?&gt;" /&gt;&lt;/p>,
Pals any where and any body find a solution for same without Giving validation a field can repopulate.
I am waiting your reply ....

Anes P.A

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 10-12-2010

[quote author="jbreitweiser" date="1262468355"]Replace the set_value, set_select, set_radio, and set_checkbox in the /system/libraries/Form_validation.php file. Basically if the form validator does not have the value, the code checks the input class.

function set_radio($field = '', $value = '', $default = FALSE)
        return $this->set_value_array($field, $value, ' selected="selected"', $default);

Thanks for that fix! Just one little correction, the set_radio function should use ' checked="checked"' instead of ' selected="selected"'.

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 12-15-2010

I used jbreitweiser's solution to this annoying problem and absolutely love it. I hope this change is merged into trunk soon.

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 01-19-2011

Thanks a lot jbreitweiser ! :-)

Function set_value() not working as expected - El Forum - 04-20-2011

Thanks beachbum for bringing up this issue, found it via google search. I was ripping my hair out trying to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong. I read through the documentation a few times and nothing was mentioned that you had to have rules set of every field that you want to repopulate.

A huge thank you to jbreitweiser for the super sweet fix.

Thanks guys,