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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

Yes I am using the download from this version as well as the one from your site.

I suspect it is some config issue with CodeIgniter. I am new to CI.

What is strange is the other links across the top work in the example.

If I add a new table, it shows up in the menu, but then I will get a similar error for any new table added.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
cre8tive, I can't seem to recreate the problem, I just used the public preview in IE7, Firefox, and Opera, and it seems to be working fine. I think this issue was present in older downloads, but it should be fixed now. What kind of system are you running this on?

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

No problem.

This particular account is a shared linux hosting account. I run other CI apps no problem. I have a .htaccess file and the only thing in it sets the PHP version to php 5. When I change this back to php 4, your app works no problem.

I have a couple dedicated servers I will put it on later to test for you.

Once I figure out your app completely, I wouldn't mind pitching in to help you write some better documentation and tutorials.

The great docs and video tutorials made me switch over to CI from Cake.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

I was trying to learn your system and was trying to figure out the YAML options.

Are these listed anywhere. I see the form options listed in the install guide, but in the video you have some other ones that control page header, validation, etc..

Also, I am receiving an error when I try and implement the validation as in your screencast.

I get these errors:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice

Message: Uninitialized string offset: 0

Filename: libraries/codexforms.php

Line Number: 53

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice

Message: Uninitialized string offset: 0

Filename: libraries/codexforms.php

Line Number: 55

The first part of My yaml file is:

date_test: required
class: FieldSet
class: TextBox
class: CheckBox
display_name: Hello there

Sorry if the questions are dumb. I am just trying to figure out your tool and when I am done I will try and document these features for other.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Yes, apart from any new bugs, the only thing left before the final 2.0 release is documentation.

I can recreate your errors by having a malformed YAML file. First, I believe you're missing a form_setup: before the third line. Also, use spaces instead of tabs. Finally, the checkbox plugin doesn't take a display_name. The way you modify the label for _any_ plugin, is by defining a label: on the same level as your class:

this should fix your issues:

  date_test: required
    class: FieldSet
          class: TextBox
          class: CheckBox
          label: Hello there

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

Edit: oops, figured it out. I had $rules = '' which was breaking things.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
The indentation is very important,

    class: FieldSet
           class: TextBox
    class: FieldSet
          class: TextBox

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

When modifying an entry in the database, is it possible to trigger an update in something else first?

I'm thinking in an article context where you trigger a checked out field.

Also, there is the class: Time where you can have a trigger, -on_update.. is there something similar for the date class?

PS: Thanks for this great contrib. Definitely makes things easier! Smile

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
tylderdurden, well, before, during, and after a record is edited, an event is triggered. If you would like to do something special, then write your own event. I suggest you check out the Khaos :: Event Manage thread for more information.

I don't understand what you mean by the last line, could you expand?

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Ok, I've setup the wiki pages for the documentation. If you would like to contribute (Even if for one page), Please PM me with your email, and I will add you to the wiki so you can edit the pages.
