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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

Also, if you can explain the relationships a little in the yml form.

I created a yml form with 3 dbdropdowns, but when it goes back to the table view, it is erroring out.
I am assuming I need to create the 3 relationships in the yml file also.

This is the error I receive after I add a new record and it goes back to the table view for that area:

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: general_information

Filename: view_modes/table.php

Line Number: 183

My yml file is:
  name: required
  leadtype:  required
  territory:  required
  ordertype:  required
    class: FieldSet
          class: TextBox
          class: DbDropDown
          label: Lead Type
          class: DbDropDown
          label: Select Territory
          class: DbDropDown
          label: Select Order Type

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
could you edit your last post and wrap the code in [CODE] tags? I can't help you much if I can't see the structure of your file...

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[quote author="jTaby" date="1207208772"]tylderdurden, well, before, during, and after a record is edited, an event is triggered. If you would like to do something special, then write your own event. I suggest you check out the Khaos :: Event Manage thread for more information.

I don't understand what you mean by the last line, could you expand?[/quote]

With the time class, you can use onupdate or oninsert to trigger a value to insert into the db. Just doing through the code of date, it doesn't seem like anything like that exists.

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: form_setup

Filename: plugins/manytomany.php

Line Number: 102

I'm getting this error when clicking "Add New" to a manytomany field. The tables are set up

articles -> article_id, article_content
categories -> category_id, category_name
articles_categories -> id, categories_id, articles_id

    class: ManyToMany
        display_field: category_name
        primary_key: category_id

Ideally, I'd like to use article_id and category_id in the relationship table, but it doesn't seem to work that way?

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
cre8tive, This YAML code works for me just fine:

    class: FieldSet
                class: SessionData
                    item: user_name
                class: TextArea
                class: Time
                class: DbDropDown
                class: DbDropDown
                class: DbDropDown

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
@tylderdurden, Line 201 of manytomany.php is: $config = $this->config['form_setup'];

That line gets executed only if you have a yaml file whose name corresponds to categories.yml
If the plugin finds that file, it assumes that you define your custom form there, and attempts to load it. Could you paste the contents of categories.yml here? (in [CODE] tags)

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

    class: FieldSet
                class: TextBox
                class: TextBox

Also, if I have the follow yml file

    class: FieldSet
                class: TextBox

and the following categories.php controller

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');


class Categories extends codexController
    function Categories ()



        $rules['category_name'] = "trim|required";
        $config = array(
                    'db_table' => 'categories', //The name of the table associated with this controller
                    'form_setup' => $this->spyc->YAMLLOAD('definitions/categories.yml'), //The array that holds our elements
                    'controller_name' => 'Categories', //The name of the controller, so that it can be used when generating the URLs
                    'primary_key' => 'category_id', //The name of the controller, so that it can be used when generating the URLs

The list will show click to edit instead of the category name.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Change to:
        class: FieldSet
                    class: TextBox
                    class: TextBox

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[quote author="jTaby" date="1207210941"]Change to:
        class: FieldSet
                    class: TextBox
                    class: TextBox

If I do that, it breaks my categories page.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Does it give you a "A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: general_information

Filename: view_modes/table.php

Line Number: 183"


CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-02-2008

[quote author="jTaby" date="1207211336"]Does it give you a "A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: general_information

Filename: view_modes/table.php

Line Number: 183"


using the yml file you provided and the controller I have above, it generates this error:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: class

Filename: libraries/codexforms.php

Line Number: 53

I should also mention that the javascript doesn't work quite right (on the manytomany on the articles page) - if you click add after filling out the forms, it just adds another form to the page.