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CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - Printable Version

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CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 04-11-2009

Latest Release: 0.3b2 is out. (Apr 11th, 2009, 10:39PM)

Been doing some pretty hefty work here. Haha, I really should be working on my other projects, but I really wanted to get this to a more "modern" and stable state. I think 0.3 is going to be a good release. b2 seems to be pretty stable so I'll let this bake for a while while you guys hammer on it. I'll keep updating it as I see bugs and whatnot. As always, feedback welcomed and appreciated!

Change Log:

* Updated to CodeIgniter 1.7.1
* Added query count to pages
* Refs #37, Refs #41, Refs #39, Refs #46
* Major work here is overhaul on Graceful Degradation from JavaScript. Most if not all WindowShade events fallthrough to a functional page if JavaScript is disabled.
* Fixed a few stragling urls that required site_url()
* Fixed a bug where deleting a key wouldn't work.
* Added, updated LICENSE copyright date.
* Fixed a bug where the auto_increment_value was not getting set when altering a table.
* Fixed/Improved some CSS issues/behavior.
* Fixed a bug where moving a table to another database before it was created was possible.

CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 04-27-2009

Wow, thanks!

I've only recently realized there was a new version out... time to update!

CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 04-29-2009

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
How the hell did I miss this? This is great work!

Very quick and with a lovely new-age theme over the ageing dinosaur phpMyAdmin. After many years of faithful devotion, I might have to kick it out.

Will probably be bundling this with PyroCMS slightly integrated for managing the CMS database for when all else goes wrong. Still not sure if my "cms for n00bs" approach should given them that much power. Eg: My next client with PyroCMS is a local sweet shop >.<

CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 02-02-2011

Latest Release: 0.3b4 is out. (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM)

It's been so long. Mostly due to military/college, but since I'm taking a database management class (not that I need to, but easy A) I've managed to work this into some of my projects for the class.

I won't tell you to look for more changes in the future, but I do plan on continuing work. I've got to check out CI 2.0.0, and eventually make the jump to it. I think it would clean up the codebase a ton. Until then, enjoy.

Change Log:

* Improved DatePicker? UI. (Using a modified plugin for jQuery)
* Converted to jQuery (1.5) from Adobe Spry
* Removed/Consolidated? windowshade/javascript form editing.
* Javascript editing now focuses first form field after windowshade event.
* General code cleanup. Moving towards a more abstract report generator General code cleanup. Moving towards a more abstract report generator.
* Fix "edit" button on databases page.
* Cleaned up table structure view.
* Added functionality for reordering fields in database
* Added support for tinyint (bool) and smallint.
* Fixed Import SQL functionality.

CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 04-08-2011

Great app. Its come in very handy. I really like the windowshade forms you've implemented. Any chance you can blow those out into a separate project so we can use them on our CI websites? Or perhaps just a short tutorial on how they work. Thanks again.

CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 04-08-2011

[quote author="tjforsythe" date="1302287165"]Great app. Its come in very handy. I really like the windowshade forms you've implemented. Any chance you can blow those out into a separate project so we can use them on our CI websites? Or perhaps just a short tutorial on how they work. Thanks again.[/quote]

It's relatively straight forward. In your JavaScript initialization (I recommend using jQuery as that is what I've been using), do the following.
$.each($('.overlay'), function(index, div)
    div = $(div);
    div.css('marginLeft', -(div.outerWidth()/2));
    div.css('marginTop', -(div.outerHeight()/2));    

This centers all your forms on the page correctly. Then use these two functions and call them as appropriate from links on your page when you want to open and close the window shade.
function close_dimmer(e)
    if (e.keyCode == 27) { show_form(openform) }   // esc

function show_form(form)
    if (form) if (!forms[form])
        $('#dimmer').slideDown(400, function(){
            $(form).fadeIn(400, function(){
                $(form+" :input:visible:enabled:first").focus();
        $(document).bind('keyup', close_dimmer);
        openform = form;
        forms[form] = true;
    } else
        $(form).fadeOut(100, function(){
        $(document).unbind('keyup', close_dimmer);
        forms[form] = openform = false;
    return false;

You'll want to define

var forms = new Array();

at the top of your javascript file as a global variable. This just keeps track of the forms that have been used so it doesn't have to re-initialize them every time you open and close them.

Other than that, its simply a matter of wrapping your form in the following HTML.
<div id="your_form_name" class="overlay">
    &lt;!-- Form HTML here --&gt;
    <a href="[removed]">Close</a>

With the appropriate CSS, the "Close" button will appear as mine does.

Thats the best I can do without writing a full tutorial. I'm sure you can figure it out from here. Don't forget you need jQuery. I use version 1.5.

CIMyAdmin v0.3b4 (Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:11PM) - El Forum - 04-08-2011

Thanks, I appreciate it. I've got that part working like a peach for an alert box. I'm now trying to figure out how you pass data to the form to populate it, post the submit and then redirect back. I'm sure it's done with the edit_form() function. I've been going through the jquery API trying to figure out what you did there. Can you tell I'm new to this. Thanks again.