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Global variables in controllers - Printable Version

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Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 09-11-2008

Hopefully I can explain this well, but it seems the controllers don't act as a regular class. I can't create a protected variable within the class and make setters and getters.

The problem I have is the repetition of code. For example I have a controller named Home, of which has several functions for each page, "home", "about", "contact" etc. I'm also using the template class, though that doesn't matter too much I don't think.

Anyway, on some of these I have several repeating variables, such as $data['content'] but some that change, such as $data['title']. I tried instantiating the array in the constructor, but that doesn't work. So like regular OO Php, I tried making a protected (switched to just var) outside of the constructor and tried using this:

class Home extends Controller{
    var $arr;

    function Home()
        $tmp = array();
        $this-arr = array(
        "content"=>""content" => $this->parser->parse('pages/conte/home_content_view',$tmp, TRUE)");

    function index(){
    ... etc

Right now I have about 6 variables stored in the array, and on about half of the pages, 3-4 of the variable are the same. Some variables in the template I have blank, such as the admin menu which will only show up if you are logged in as admin. So I'd like to instantiate those variables as blank, such as $data['admin'] = "";

So how do I go about doing this, I've made my own classes before and I was always able to do things like $this->arr = $myArray; but I get "unexpected =" errors.

Is it possible to create an assoc array that is used by all functions in a particular controller class? Or do I have to repeat my code in each function? This makes making any changes a bit tedious, as I have to change every function and doesn't seem very scalable. This is what OOP is supposed to take care of, right?

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 09-11-2008

Create a configuration file. Would seem to work perfectly for this.

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 09-11-2008

*DELETE* double post.

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 09-11-2008

How is the idea if we use global varaibale and library like \application\libraries\common_tasks.php
class Common_tasks{
  function Common_tasks()
     global $data;
     $data['admin'] = ''; // here goes all variables with default values or even value from database
Now autoload common_tasks library in config\autoload.php and home controller like
class Home extends Controller{
    function Home()
        global $data; //Automatically load default values
        $data['admin'] = 'some value';
    function index(){
    ... etc
The main difference between using global variable and data through config i found is: config variable cant set value from database. This is why i like to use it.

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 09-11-2008

True. I didn't catch on to that (read it to fast). One other option is to actually extend the CI Controller.

class MY_Controller extends Controller
    var $myCommonVar;

    function __construct()

Then we have our new controller:

class Home extends MY_Controller
    function __construct()

In the above controller, we now have access to myCommonVar by doing a $this->myCommonVar;

Hope this makes sense.

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 10-04-2008

I don't understand used global variable in CI (used in all function in controller).
I take a exemple like Sumon:
Library: common_tasks.php
class common_tasks{
    function common_tasks()
        global $data;

Controller: blog.php

class Blog extends Controller
    function Blog()
        //  load

        // global variable
        global $data; // automaticaly load default values
        function index()
        $data['title']='MY BLOG';
        $data['heading']='WELLCOME TO DISCONTENED BLOG';
        // lay du lieu trong bang entries
        // Hien thi noi dung bang cach load bblog_view.php voi cac bien $data
        function secure()
View: secure_view.php
<div id="box">
    <div class="title_box">
    <h2>The secure area!</h2>
    <div class="body_box">


    &lt;?=anchor('blog','Return blog page');?&gt; | &lt;?=anchor('blog/logout','or logout');?&gt;


Big Grin It not work.. And a PHP Error was encountered
Quote:Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: logged_in

Filename: views/secure_view.php

Line Number: 9

My code true or false, and can you tell me the way to fix and use global varialle.

Sorry! I speak english not good!

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 10-04-2008

would you please add
global $data; // automaticaly load default values
in first line of secure() function. i hope it will remove PHP Error

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 10-04-2008

Oh yes, It works!
That mean, in each function if we want used $data['logged_in'] we must add global $data into the function?
Thank you very much!

Global variables in controllers - El Forum - 10-04-2008

I'm sorry but globals are for lame coders, not for elite CI empowered programmers like us.

Just because something works, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

Have a nice day :lol: