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Authenticating a User through Login - Printable Version

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Authenticating a User through Login - El Forum - 10-19-2008

Referring to this Thread, I suppose I am completely unable to authenticate a login.

I mean, it seemed pretty simple - just query the DB for password where username = suppliedusername, then compare the requested password with the submitted password, but that doesn't seem to be working, at all.

Can someone just lay it out for me, how I am supposed to authenticate a user (I have used PHP for 2 years while NEVER using sessions/cookies for some reason)? Either in layman's, or code-wise.

p.s. Below is my code:

class Login extends Controller {
    function Login() {
        function index() {
        if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
        $password = $this->login_model->get_password($_POST['username']);
        if ($password == $_POST['password']) {
        } else {
    function success() {
         $data['username'] = $this->session->userdata('username');
        $this->load->view('success', $data);
    function failure() {
    function testdb() {


class Login_model extends Model {
    function Login_model() {
    function get_password($username) {
        $validate = $this->db->query('SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = ?', array($username));
        return $validate->result();
    function set_session($username) {
        $sessdata = array(
            'username' => $username,

For some reason, it works, but just gives me failure no matter what...

Authenticating a User through Login - El Forum - 10-20-2008


I'm a relative new comer to CI and Php in general but my database queries have gone something like this:
function get_password($username) {
    $this->db->where('username', $username);

    $validate = $this->db->get('users', 1); // 'users' - table, 1 - limit

    if ( $validate->num_rows() == 1 )
     return $validate->row_array();
     return false;


I'm too unfamiliar with CI check the rest of your code and whether your database interaction is syntactically correct but this is how I've been doing my db stuff.

I hope this helps. Smile


Authenticating a User through Login - El Forum - 10-20-2008

Google 'codeigniter auth tutorial' Wink