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Inserting data into mysql from a form(What everybody assumes every newbie ought to figureout for himself/herself).Help i - Printable Version

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Inserting data into mysql from a form(What everybody assumes every newbie ought to figureout for himself/herself).Help i - El Forum - 11-14-2008





class Arc extends Controller {
//Validation function included
function insert_into_mysql()






class Model extends Controller{

function insert()



I have spent a whole week trying to insert data from a form into mysql,i have failed terribly.
I am used to using '$_POST[email]' format when posting data and nothing so far works.
I want to insert email and username into a database from a form as you can gather from above.
Will somebody come to my resque,its friday goddamn it,it has been a long five days.

Inserting data into mysql from a form(What everybody assumes every newbie ought to figureout for himself/herself).Help i - El Forum - 11-14-2008

You're a bit mixed up. The controller defines functions that are uri-friendly, so in your case, you'd probably want it to look more like this;

Controller (arc.php):

class Arc extends Controller
    function Arc()

    function create()
        if ($this->input->post('submit')) // this assumes that your submit button is called "submit"
            $this->arc_model->insert($this->input->post('username'), $this->input->post('email'));

Model (arc_model.php):

class Arc_model extends Model
    function Arc_model()

    function insert($username, $email)
        $data = array(
            'username' => $username,
            'email'    => $email

        return $this->db->insert('tablename', $data);

View (userform.php) would be whatever your html forms are (form names would be username, email and submit).

Set up like this, you'd go to http://baseurl/index.php/arc/create and give your form a submit of the same url, and it'd add the row to your db.

Inserting data into mysql from a form(What everybody assumes every newbie ought to figureout for himself/herself).Help i - El Forum - 11-14-2008

where do the validation function come in our controller?.

Inserting data into mysql from a form(What everybody assumes every newbie ought to figureout for himself/herself).Help i - El Forum - 11-14-2008

The validation functions would pretty much replace the if($this->input->post('submit')) that I have there. There's a lot of examples on the validation user guide page, check it out.

Inserting data into mysql from a form(What everybody assumes every newbie ought to figureout for himself/herself).Help i - El Forum - 11-14-2008

Thanks a lot Murodese.