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Sql Insert Help - El Forum - 01-05-2009

I am in need of a little assistance with an sql insert. I start with processing a validated form and call the model and function I set up for this insert. So far so good, I even echoed out the post array to ensure that the model is getting the data it needs. From there I do the insert, which does create a new row in my table, but does not pass the form data in. here is my model code that I created for this:
function insert_user(){

        $this->db->insert('users', $this);

And to test that the model has the information it needs, I used the following line of code at the beginning of the insert_user function:
echo $this->input->post('firstName');

Which displays the data on screen correctly.

What could I be doing wrong that it is inserting an empty record into the table and not filling in the form fields? I thought originally that the trim on the form_validation may be the likely culprit, but if i can echo out the post data correctly from the model, then this couldn't be the case, correct?

Sql Insert Help - El Forum - 01-05-2009

A little help guys? Please?

Sql Insert Help - El Forum - 01-05-2009

how would that work anyway?

now, if you did this:

$data = array(

$this->db->insert('users', $data);

Another way that would work if i recall correctly:


The way you are doing it though, is to insert $this into the DB, unfortunately that is an object not an array.

Sql Insert Help - El Forum - 01-05-2009

Oh, crap, your right... lol, thanks Smile That did the trick... I don't know how I didn't see that until you pointed it out... Seriously... thanks...