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Require help with special installation for production - Printable Version

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Require help with special installation for production - El Forum - 01-09-2009

Hi All,
Just so you know, I'm new to CodeIgniter. I settled on this framework after a great deal of hair pulling, deciding against Zend and Cake. The main factor that influenced my decision was my inability to change permissions on my remote folders. Ok, on to my question.

My site's folders are setup like:


I would only like "/staging" to be controlled by CodeIgniter. My CI installation is under "/_system" and folder "/ci" -it looks like this:


How would I go about setting up config.php and .htaccess so that only everything in "/staging" etc. points to the views.

It's probably the lack of sleep, what am i missing? Is this even possible? I did search the form for similar solutions, couldn't find anything close. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated.

Require help with special installation for production - El Forum - 01-10-2009

[quote author="georgefromohio" date="1231567742"]Hi All...
I would only like "/staging" to be controlled by CodeIgniter...How would I go about setting up config.php and .htaccess so that only everything in "/staging" etc. points to the views.

Try the following (make the settings for application and system in index.php point to the right places above htdocs):

// one dir. above htdocs

/ci/{system, *not* application}

Require help with special installation for production - El Forum - 01-11-2009

[quote author="t’mo" date="1231666340"]

// one dir. above htdocs

/ci/{system, *not* application}

Hi t'mo,

Thanks for the reply. I do not have access to create anything above the "/htdocs" folder. Also forgive me, but I don't know how to change the settings for application and system. Couldn't I use the same technique to point to a folder under "/htdocs".

Require help with special installation for production - El Forum - 01-11-2009

Hi again t'mo,

I just understood what you meant by
Quote:Try the following (make the settings for application and system in index.php point to the right places above htdocs):

but I do not have access to create folders above "/htdocs". I'll send in a request. However how does this prevent the other sites from not being controlled by ci? Is it by changing the ['base_url'] param in config.php to ""?