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how to set a golbal constant-value?i want to use the variable anywhere without manual loading it - Printable Version

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how to set a golbal constant-value?i want to use the variable anywhere without manual loading it - El Forum - 02-24-2009

how to set a golbal variable?i want to use the variable anywhere without manual loading it

where should i define the constant-value ?
some constant-value just like prefix-db_table-name,or my website-name....

how to set a golbal constant-value?i want to use the variable anywhere without manual loading it - El Forum - 02-24-2009


use session variables
I am not using readymade library of session but i have made my own.
but you can get session library details from user guide.

its easy and you will have global variables anywhere in your application..

how to set a golbal constant-value?i want to use the variable anywhere without manual loading it - El Forum - 02-24-2009

You can either create your own config file or define a constant in ./system/application/config/constants.php.