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How do you prepare your projects? - Printable Version

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How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009


I'm quite new to "orgnanized" website development. It's always been about "let's code and determine functions while coding" and I really wonder if you're using some UML tools, or type it into notebook, or whatever Your step-by-step is Smile

- Especially for CI as controllers, models, and all need to be organized before coding.

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

[eluser]Mahmoud M. Abdel-Fattah[/eluser]
I've same question Smile !

and when I read about this , I found that I should read about "Agile Methodology" which I found too hard to understand that makes me feel stupid !! and some ppl recommends "Effective Software Project Management" Book.

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

Try reading the PRINCE2 book .. it'll make your toes curl.

This is one of those questions that doesn't have an easy answer. If you're working on a project for, you know, money and livelihood, then some discipline is going to be required. If you're working with anyone else, then you're going to have to approach this differently than if you're hacking away at code by yourself.

I think it's the huge number of permutations that make it hard to come up with a cookie-cutter procedure.

For me it's pondering my source data, (mostly) normalising a schema design, thinking of a new screen / interface that would be useful, trying to fit that into an existing controller's purview, abstracting things as best I can as I go, and never really finishing anything. So it's probably not the best approach.

So, what kind of organisation do you feeling that you're missing out on?

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

There are some levels in which you can work to standarize your development process:

* You could prepare a skeleton of an application. I use the same CI installation for all projects, so I start by creating the files needed (index.php, .htaccess and application folder). I also copy some commonly used libraries like Layout,Breadcrumbs, etc. If you're new, you'll probably develop them the first time, and then reuse them.

* You should store your project in a SVN repository, and use it to keep versions and branches.

* For designing your app, I prepare a simple hand-written document that describes the data flow, involved classes and every idea I have about it, but at a simple level. When I encounter problems, I go back to the document and think about the simplest solution I can find.

* Use TDD to develop your app. You can use PHPTest or Simpletest, last one I prefer. Apart from the direct benefits, it makes your code cleaner beacuse you must

* For deploying, I use PHING, so I don't have to know what files I've modified and upload them to the server. Just have a copy of the SVN repository on the server. Perform a SVN update, then call phing task for deploying modified files. Clean and safe.

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

[eluser]Mahmoud M. Abdel-Fattah[/eluser]
Thanks gon a lot for this details reply, as MVC, has a lot of files, classes, functions. I think it should be drawn to save more time and to be reference later.

So, what's your recommendation for Flowchart / Diagram software ??

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

Quote:Thanks gon a lot for this details reply, as MVC, has a lot of files, classes, functions. I think it should be drawn to save more time and to be reference later.

That reminds me - something to add to gon's list -- install and use [url=""]PHPDOC[/url]. (Or pick some other equivalent - this is the only one I've used.)

It ticks off the 'reference later' criteria, obviously, but I'm also finding it very good for highlighting possible duplications in functionality just by using its its class / method browsing features.

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

Quote:So, what’s your recommendation for Flowchart / Diagram software ??

Omnigraffle for the mac is very good, though I must borrow my workmate's computer to use it :-)
For Linux sometimes I use Openoffice Draw, which has some good tools for diagrams. But omnigraffle is better.

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

What's best for Windows?

I've tried to kick off some development of non-database based website without previous planning and it's like giving a birth! Screams, kickings, furious bashing to keyboard.. Smile All symptomps of bad or lacking planning.

That's why I need something really really do-able for CI development. Even Views should be documented - how they go in hierarchy of displaying and such, since there are some real bad habits of leaving <body> in header.php insted of content.php since there is left or right column being displayed after the header..

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

Quote:So, what's your recommendation for Flowchart / Diagram software ??

There was a thread a week or two ago about [url=""]schema / ER style diagramming options[/url].

Software options for flowchart and diagramming are heavily dependent on your OS choice.

How do you prepare your projects? - El Forum - 03-15-2009

jedd, it's not about database, but flowchart of application itself - classes, controllers, functions within each controller - same with methods and views ...blalblalbla..