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Searching an object for a value (like in_array) - Printable Version

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Searching an object for a value (like in_array) - El Forum - 03-17-2009

Is there a way to do this with objects. Im not sure thus why im asking. Otherwise ill try/use in_array and hope it works lol

Searching an object for a value (like in_array) - El Forum - 03-17-2009

You can use the PHP5 functions get_class_vars() and get_class_methods() to make associative arrays to search in or even use method_exists() or property_exists() to search for them directly.

Searching an object for a value (like in_array) - El Forum - 03-17-2009

thanks ill give that a try

Searching an object for a value (like in_array) - El Forum - 03-17-2009

Allright new question!

So ive got an object/array called $this->user_permissions

Heres what it contains

Quote:stdClass Object
[role] => stdClass Object
[Administrator] => stdClass Object
[brainstorms] => stdClass Object
[0] => index
[1] => create
[2] => edit

[bug] => stdClass Object
[0] => index
[1] => solve



[team] => stdClass Object

[user] => stdClass Object

[default] => stdClass Object
[auth] => stdClass Object
[0] => index
[1] => login
[2] => register



I need to search this for $class->$method (both are defined.

where its Type => Class => Method in the array structure above I guess I can go through it but im trying to find a more efficient way to check if I have access