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Inheriting a site - Printable Version

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Inheriting a site - El Forum - 04-02-2009


I have paid some freelancers to build a social networking website for me and after 7 months (I know) it is not done. I am pretty familiar with web programming and getting more familiar with CI every day. The work they have done up until now uses Codeigniter and Smarty, however, the website structure is totally different than the initial folder setup in Codeigniter. The gist of the structure is -

ww-includes- (class files) which access the database primarily (similar to the controller function I believe)
ww-xxx-(php file name).php
ww-templates-(tpl/smarty files)
ww-templates_c-(smarty cached templates)

(ww implies 3 w's, hyphens equal slashes)

There is really no reference to a CI folder (application, controller, model, view, etc). So having said all this, I'm trying to figure out if any of the work is salvage or transferable to my WAMP setup. I think I can take over finishing the site, but I need to know how to get it to this point as that does not seem to be readily identifiable to me. Any help is appreciated.


Inheriting a site - El Forum - 04-02-2009

Hi Newbie1979, welcome to the forums, and I'm sorry to hear that it's under such circumstances.

There's a few threads around on the subject of integration with Smarty. I don't have any experience, but perhaps someone who does can comment on that aspect.

Absent a vaguely CI-esque file structure, it sounds like your erstwhile programmers did a pretty botchy job on 'integrating' the two components. Perhaps they just took helpers and libraries from CI, and the structure accurately reflects a Smarty site?

If that's the case, you may have some luck. But if it's meant to be a CI base system, you could be in for quite a bit of work.

As an aside:
Quote:ww-includes- (class files) which access the database primarily (similar to the controller function I believe)

Actually, database access is done in Models - check the files in there and see if they 'extend Model', and if you've got one class per file, etc. This may give some pointers.

Controller files (also one class per file) will 'extend Controller'. Yeah, kinda obvious, but thought I'd clarify.

There's a developer floating around the forums at the moment who is afraid that his current client isn't going to pay him. Maybe you two could make an arrangement on middle ground.