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problem with matchbox - Printable Version

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problem with matchbox - El Forum - 04-08-2009

I have develop an application with matchbox 0.9.4 & codeigniter 1.7.0. This is the structure folder in /system/application
Public_Area.php (default controllers)

I have an errors "Unable to load your default controllers..." when I put my application in production box but its running well in my pc, for your information my production box is using linux and my pc is using windows.

It seems like matchbox can't find the default controllers but I don't know whats going happen? What am I supposed to do for fixing this proble

problem with matchbox - El Forum - 04-08-2009

[eluser]Mike Ryan[/eluser]
If it works on Windows but not Linux, the problem could be caused by having different capitalisation in your file paths. To windows, "Text.txt" and "text.txt" are the same file. To Linux, they are two different files. I see you have a directory called "Public_Area" - make sure it not being referred to as "public_area" somewhere.

I suggest you rename "Public_Area" to "public_area", that should solve it.

problem with matchbox - El Forum - 04-13-2009

Thanks Mike for your suggestion and I have try your suggestion too but its still not work to me. the "404 Page Not Found" error appear when I rename Public_Area folder to public_area (I have rename the file too). Any suggestion?

problem with matchbox - El Forum - 04-13-2009

I have solved the problems Smile ... Its because codeigniter still search the controllers folder. This is my new /system/application folder structure :


Thanks Mike for your suggestion Wink