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What happens with sessions?? - Printable Version

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What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-22-2009

I need to use sessions in my app and I am having problems.

First of all I try to use the session library but if you use it the library generate a lot of warnings. The only way to modify it is program in the library, and it can give more troubles.

Can I disable the session system of codeIgniter? how?

So, I decided use the traditional sessions ($_SESSION['var']) but my app don´t reconize it and tell me that $_SESSION is an undefined var.

Can I use the traditional sessions? how?

Thanks you so much!

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-22-2009

What warnings do you get? I use the standard session library and store the session data in the database. I don't get any warnings.

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-22-2009

I believe those where headers already sent warnings.
my 2 cents.

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-23-2009

Exactly Skuja, this is the warning (the headers already sent). How can I solve it??
Or how can use the traditional sessions?

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-23-2009

Unless I'm confusing mysdelf with something else, you can't write to $_SESSION after you've outputted to the browser... this may be intentionally calling a view, or having some whitespace somewhere (eg a new line outside of <?php and ?> tags)

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-23-2009

It is not exactly CI sessions fault. Somewhere, somehow in your app you have some ouput before document headers are sent. There could be a bunch of kinds of things to cause this, starting from invalid document encoding to some extra whitespaceses before <?php tags. Please copy your error messages here and i am sure we wil be able to help you more to find exact reason that causes yours.

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-23-2009

I am searching the error but I don´t find it...

This is the error:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning

Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/

Filename: libraries/Session.php

Line Number: 662

This is the code of acceso_model.php, the document that sent the headers (¿?):

class Acceso_Model extends Model {

function Acceso_Model(){
// Call the Model constructor

function esValido($usuario,$contrasenia){
//compruebo que el usuario existe
$sql='SELECT * FROM Usuarios WHERE usuario=?';
$query = $this->db->query($sql,array($usuario));
$acceso=($query->num_rows() > 0);
//si el usuario existe compruebo que su clave es correcta
if ($acceso){
$row = $query->row();
$acceso= $row->contrasenia == md5($contrasenia);
return $acceso;

This is a piece of the code of acceso.php, that fix the session and call to acceso_model.php
if ($this->Acceso_Model->esValido($usuario,$contrasenia)){
$datosAcceso = array(
'usuario' => $usuario,
'logado' => TRUE
I am sure that we can solve it!
Thaks you so much!

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-23-2009

You probably have a space after the closing ?> tag. It's recommended you actually remove the last ?> tag for this reason. If you look at the core CodeIgniter files, you'll see that all of those files have the closing ?> tag omitted.

What happens with sessions?? - El Forum - 04-23-2009

Exactly!! Thanks you so much, it ´s great have your help!