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Yet another cry for help on file uploads - Printable Version

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Yet another cry for help on file uploads - El Forum - 05-19-2009


I have a batch file upload script, that i have put together using this as a basis
The script is correctly uploading the files and generating thumbnails. I also upload a $_POST description field that is stored with the new file name in the daatabase. However i have a few problems that i cannot seem to work out how to deal with.

Firstly i need to associate any errors generated with the fields for display_errors. At the moment it correctly displays the errors but i cant seem to either associate a filename witht the error or split the array to associate the error message with the relevant field. e.g. on my form i may correctly upload five files, but a further two may fail. Currently all i can do is generate 2 failed upload errors on the form but dont know how to associate these with the filename or relevant field.

Secondly i need to ensure that only a certain number of files are uploaded for each directory.

Thirdly aa general question, should i fail and remove all uploads if one fails, and get the user to upload everything again.

I have been working on this for a while so probably cannot see the wood for the trees, so would appraciate anybodys time to help if possible.

My controller
class c_f_propreg3_multifileupload_v1 extends Controller

function Upload()

function index()

$this->load->view('propreg/f_propreg3_multifileupload_v1', array('errors' =>' '), array('message' =>' ')); //Upload Form


function picupload()
//Load Model

//get property id to create directory for pictures and thumbs
$prop = $this->session->userdata('propid');
$propid = $prop['prop_id'][0];

if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST) >0 )

//create directories for upload based on property id
$prop = $this->session->userdata('propid');
$propid = $prop['prop_id'][0];

$mypath = './system/pictures/'.$propid;
$main_pic = './system/pictures/'.$propid.'/pictures/';
$thumb_path = './system/pictures/'.$propid.'/thumbs/';

if (!is_dir($mypath))
if (!is_dir($main_pic))
if (!is_dir($thumb_path))


$config['upload_path'] = './system/uploads/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
$config['max_size'] = '2048'; //2 meg

foreach($_FILES as $key => $value)

if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload($key))



$data['uploaded_files'][] = $this->upload->data();



$data['message'] = (count($data['errors']) > 0)?implode('',$data['errors']):'All files were uploaded successfully.';

$this->load->view('propreg/f_propreg3_multifileupload_v1', $data); //Upload Form

}//end picupload
}//end controller

Yet another cry for help on file uploads - El Forum - 05-19-2009

My View

<?php echo form_open_multipart('c_f_propreg3_multifileupload_v1/picupload', array('id' => 'c_f_propreg3_multifileupload_v1/picupload')); ?>

<?php echo $message; ?>

<?php echo $uploaded_files; ?>



<label for="main_photo_description" class="left">Main photo description :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_1" type="file" id="userfile_1" size="32" /&gt;

<label for="Photo description 2">Photo description 2 :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_2" type="file" id="usefile_2" size="32" /&gt;
<label for="Photo description 3">Photo description 3 :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_3" type="file" id="userfile_3" size="32" /&gt;
<label for="Photo description 4">Photo description 4 :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_4" type="file" id="userfile_4" size="32" /&gt;

<label for="Photo description 5">Photo description 5 :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_5" type="file" id="userfile_5" size="32" /&gt;

<label for="Photo description 6">Photo description 6 :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_6" type="file" id="userfile_6" size="32" /&gt;

<label for="Photo description 7">Photo description 7 :</label>
&lt;input name="photo_desc[]" type="text" id="photo_desc[]" /&gt; Select Photo
&lt;input name="userfile_7" type="file" id="userfile_7" size="32" /&gt;

&lt;input type="submit" value="Upload Photo´s" /&gt;

&lt;?php echo form_close(); ?&gt;

Any help appreciated

Yet another cry for help on file uploads - El Forum - 05-19-2009

Bumped coz i need some help

Ok let me ask the first question in a different way. Does display_errors only cater for one file being uploaded at a time. Ergo there is no way to link the errors if you upload more than one file at a time.
Has anybody tried my approach of trying to upload all the files at the same time and if so how did they handle the error reporting.
Many thanks again.

Yet another cry for help on file uploads - El Forum - 05-19-2009

Is there really any need to bump a thread just 4 hours after you created the thread?
Half the active CI population won't have even been online yet

(And I've not tried your approach, so can't really comment)

Yet another cry for help on file uploads - El Forum - 05-19-2009

Apologies if i jumped too quickly.