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lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - Printable Version

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lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-10-2009

First let me apologize for the beginner junk, and although everything works great in about 40 minutes on a windows platform to include the wamp install, getting this apache install up and working is driving me up a wall. Been on it for 3 days had it once but on a splatter guess and go so reformatted and documented step by step through getting phpmyadmin running but cannot get CodeIgniter going. Would really appricate some knowelagable help as to what I'm missing.



lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009

What exactly is the problem? I can't really give you any help if I don't know what you're trying to do... :-)

lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009

What about a normal php page (nothing to do with CI), does that work?

lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009

Always check File Ownership and Access Permissions on a new linux web server install.

lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009

Hello n0xie and Dam1an,

To be clear my objective is to develop an intranet business accounting package using an apache server as opposed to a windows server. For this Ubuntu Linux was selected. Currently setting up a development workstation is the issue.

Using Ubuntu desktop 8.04 LTS a lamp server with phpmyadmin (may change to postgre what with the sale to Oracle) CI was downloaded, unzipped and copied into the root directory (/var/www/ -with permission changed to full access in the -root sudo chmod 777 /var/www ) with the directory structure www> (directories: codeigniter-a rename of the unzipped folder)- and (files index.html –apache default “It Works”). That is it in the root. In the CI directory are the stock CI directories and files; system, user_guide, index.php and license.txt with the no changes to the subdirectories except for the application/config/database.php file where the change was made to point to the base url as follows: $config[’base_url’] = “http://localhost/’”;.

Testing has been done as far as insuring the lamp and phpmyadmin install is correct although until everything is up and running one can never absolutely rule out the possibility of a corrupted install on some level.

As stated in the first post, a guess and go, spray and pray, change this and that, with no real inkling of what I was doing did get it working once, but a dirty install is a ticket to trouble down the road. A complete reformat of the drive and reinstall was done this time documenting everything that was done.

With what has been done at this point loading the browser, Firefox 3.0.10, to http://localhost/codeigniter/index.php/ is not working nor are any other iterations of this that attempt to call codeigniter. The help that is needed is to properly configure lamp and CI from this point.



lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009

Hi Ed,

Quote:(/var/www/ -with permission changed to full access in the -root sudo chmod 777 /var/www )

Don't do this.

755, perhaps, but even that shouldn't be necessary - and applies for dirs only. Files should be 644. Ownership problems might mean you need to go 775/664. Owner (chown) should be www-data:www-data - but you should be editing files as yourself, if you're doing the editing in situ .. but this gets more complicated fast.

Suffice to say it doesn't sound like a perms problem at this stage.

Quote:With what has been done at this point loading the browser, Firefox 3.0.10, to http://localhost/codeigniter/index.php/ is not working nor are any other iterations of this that attempt to call codeigniter. The help that is needed is to properly configure lamp and CI from this point.

You haven't said what you've tried.

So ...
What do you get on screen when you hit that URL?
What do the apache logs reveal when you make a hit against that URL (check access.log and error.log)?
Are you using LAMP in a VM, or raw (if the former, of course, it won't be localhost that you need to talk to)?

lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009

If you see the Apache screen 'it works', this is probably the index.html in /var/www. If you edit this file to make it say 'It works but CI doesn't' and save it, you should be able to see the changes if you open http://localhost/index.html.

Now to check if php is setup correctly, create an index.php file with just the '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' inside /var/www. Make sure the permissions are set correctly. Then try to open http://localhost/index.php.

If this works. make a directory inside /var/www/codeigniter. Then copy all the codeigniter files inside, so that it has this structure:

Then go to system/application/config/config.php and change the base url to "http://localhost/codeigniter/";
Make sure permissions are set correctly.
Try to open http://localhost/codeigniter/index.php.

You should see the welcome screen now.

lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-11-2009


Your are correct: the permissions change done was basically to nuke any issue with that.

The server set up is apache2, mysql 5 and php5 as downloaded using the tasksel function. Phpmyadmin was installed using sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin.

As little as possible has been done at this point. Best case scenario would be “Oh yeah, I did that before. On a clean install of the above you need to…”.


Great approach. I have already done some of what you are saying but will redo to get on the same page.



lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-12-2009

Sorry for non-response. Been tied up working on other things please check back in a day or so and I will have results for suggested course of action.



lamp phpmyadim working clean install on ubuntu 8.04 CI won't load welcome page - El Forum - 06-12-2009


My system did not pass the tests you indicated at this time probably due to my playing with some of the configurations files. Also did …eerr tried to update Open Office using the update manager and wiped it out as apparently it is no longer being supported by Ubuntu. Will backup the documentation redo the system and rerun the suggestions. Would you cast and eye back in about 24 hours?
