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Help with listing a category tree - Printable Version

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Help with listing a category tree - El Forum - 07-02-2009


class tags extends Model{
    var $title;
    var $description;
    var $link;
    function tags()
    function showAll()
        $fetch_all =  $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `tags`");
        return "<li><a >row('link')."' alt='".$fetch_all->row('description')."'>".$fetch_all->row('title')."</a></li>";

This code generates

What it should be generating is

problem is when I do

function showAll()
        $fetch_all =  $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `tags`");
echo "<li><a >row('link')."' alt='".$fetch_all->row('description')."'>".$fetch_all->row('title')."</a></li>";

yes it servers its purpose. But, It will generate the rows till oblivion causing my server or browser to crash.

any thoughts? , I've looked through the documentation and haven't found a method.

Help with listing a category tree - El Forum - 07-02-2009

Try foreach instead of while..

foreach($fetch_all->result() as $r){
  echo "<li><a href='' alt=''>".$r->title."</a></li>";

href = $r->link
alt = $r->description

I couldn't put these two in as it breaks the code..

Help with listing a category tree - El Forum - 07-02-2009

Ok, did that works but ... why is it showing up on the top of my page Sad...

I think its because I defined it in the controller...

Help with listing a category tree - El Forum - 07-02-2009

Your model is not right still. You should not do any data manipulation in a model. Instead, a model should be used to put and get data to and from your database. It should be:


class tags extends Model{
    var $title;
    var $description;
    var $link;
    function tags()

    function showAll()
        $fetch_all =  $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `tags`");

        if ( $fetch_all ) {
            return $fetch_all;

        return false;

Then in your controller catch whatever returns from showAll, and pass it through to the view via an Array.


class Test extends Controller {
    function Test() {
        // Load stuff here

    function method() {
       $data['showall'] = $this->tags->showAll();
       $this->load->view('viewname', $data);

In your view, access $showall and use the foreach statement above.

Help with listing a category tree - El Forum - 07-02-2009

LifeSteala, Thanks very much. Works like a charm.

Help with listing a category tree - El Forum - 07-02-2009

You are most welcome. Good Luck Smile