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New CodeIgniter install gives me 404 - Printable Version

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New CodeIgniter install gives me 404 - El Forum - 07-03-2009

[eluser]Richard Testani[/eluser]
I built a little site on a dev server (same server, just subdomain) without any reall issue.
I move the site live (moved to a new folder) and boom - 404.

I upload a brand new install - nothing changed, and same - 404 - no welcome message.

What would be causing this when on the very same server I'm running it just fine?


New CodeIgniter install gives me 404 - El Forum - 07-03-2009

Did you remember to change the base url in the config file when you moved?
$config['base_url'] = "";

New CodeIgniter install gives me 404 - El Forum - 07-03-2009

[eluser]Richard Testani[/eluser]
Yep - though interesting, I don't have it setup on the dev server.
It seems, even though the base_url is set to my domain its still not loading.

I can't get anything but a 404.

New CodeIgniter install gives me 404 - El Forum - 07-03-2009

When you say moved it to a new folder, did you change the name of this new folder to something different from the old folder?

New CodeIgniter install gives me 404 - El Forum - 07-03-2009

[eluser]Richard Testani[/eluser]
Found the issue, it was an old .htaccess file I didn't remove from the server.

>>When you say moved it to a new folder, did you change the name of this new folder to something different from the old folder?
Technically, it was from one root folder to another, so i didn't need to change folder names.