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Form Validation display errors - Printable Version

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Form Validation display errors - El Forum - 09-14-2009


I have been trying to mt form validation error to display in it own div tag but when the form in reloaded the error is underneath the input box. I added a basic stylesheet and none of that is on the reloaded page either.

Any help would be most appreciated

class test extends Controller

    function test()
    function index()
        $data['page_title'] = "Add Contact";

        $this->load->view('test_view', $data);

    function testadd()
        $data['page_title'] = "Add Contact";
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('CompanyName', 'CompanyName','required|xss_clean');

        if ($this->form_validation->run() == false) {
        } else {
            $this->db->insert('contacts', $_POST);
            redirect('contacts', 'contacts');


<title><?= $page_title ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./stylesheet.css" />
    <li>&lt;?= anchor('', 'Homepage'); ?&gt;</li>
&lt;?= form_open('test/testadd') ?&gt;
        <div id="contacts_form">
            <div id="Contacts_companyName">
    Company Name: &lt;input type="text" name="CompanyName" id="CompanyName" AUTOCOMPLETE = "off"
value="&lt;?php echo set_value('CompanyName'); ?&gt;" /&gt;
             <div id="Contacts_companyName_error">&lt;?php echo form_error('CompanyName'); ?&gt;</div>
        &lt;input type="submit" value="Add Contact"  /&gt;
        &lt;?= form_close() ?&gt;


class contacts_model extends Model

    function contacts_model()

    function getData()
        $query = $this->db->get('contacts');

        if ($query->num_rows() < 0) {
            //show_error('databse is empty')

        } else {
            return $query->result();

Form Validation display errors - El Forum - 09-14-2009

Without additional styling, your error's <div> will automatically show up underneath the input. If your CSS isn't showing up, it's likely because it has a wrong relative URL. Try using either an absolute URL with a beginning slash, which will start from your root directory, or CI's URL helper with the site_url() function.

// Absolute URL starting from root.
&lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/stylesheet.css" /&gt;

// Full URL, IE
&lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="&lt;?php echo site_url('css/stylesheet.css'); ?&gt;" /&gt;

I personally like the latter as if I need to move servers or anything, it makes portability easy.