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Routing issues - Printable Version

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Routing issues - El Forum - 09-23-2009

I have the following in my route file

$route['(auth:any|about|help|legal|contact|admin|admin:any|modal|modal:any)'] = "$1";
$route['(:any)'] = "profile/view/$1";

However, I want the following link to NOT be redirected:

The modal:any isn't working for some reason. I'm thinking I might need regex?

Routing issues - El Forum - 09-23-2009

[eluser]Stelian Mocanita[/eluser]
Shortest way is to add a separate route for the modal request above the two lines you currently have so when CI will fing the match it will stop there.

You do not need a regex, the CI routing library will do that for you. Can't seem to find out why the bypass on your exception there.

Regards, Stelian

Routing issues - El Forum - 09-23-2009

I apologize if this is a really stupid mistake but I tried doing what you suggested as follows:

$route['(modal?TB_iframe=true&height=549&width=884&modal=true)'] = "modal";

But doesn't seem to be working.

Routing issues - El Forum - 09-23-2009

I got it to work!

$route['(^modal([?=&a-z 0-9~%.:_-]+))'] = "modal";

This allows me to use thickbox without any issues.