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How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - Printable Version

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How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009

Hello Smile

well I'm trying to create some type of friend request system, or friends ssystem, or users system or profile system,(what ever u want to call it :-P).

for example...(send friend request, accept friend request, block user, send comment, messaging between friends, etc)

Ive looked almost everywhere and i cant seem to find a tutorial.

Any help would be appreciated.

thank you

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009

There are no tutorials for doing this.
Just learn the code igniter basics.

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009


well i know the basics, i just need help on how to start this,
ive already created views for it.

like how would i go about this, in the database

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009

[quote author="flyenig" date="1254004455"]thanks,

well i know the basics, i just need help on how to start this,
ive already created views for it.

like how would i go about this, in the database[/quote]

Programming = Trial & Error = Time consuming = Experience.

My point, you can teach yourself much by just digging in and doing it.

Suggestion: Ask more specific questions including what you have attempted and ask them one at a time.

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009


Ok well,
I've tried and failed and ive been trying to do this for a week straight, and the code i had before, i started all over because nothing was working at all. so right now, all i have is my views and some mysql

and i see what you are saying,
So to simplify this,
How would i acheive a simple friend request system?
for example, Kenny sends a friend request to Jake, Jake accepts and they become friends.
and i can view all of johns friends

(and no im not a beginner with codeigniter :-P)

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009

For doing this you need to know how the db class works and how relationships work.

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009

lol, yea i know how the DB class works, i've made a CRUD already from scratch, I've made it so that people can have a profile, and edit their information and settings, and also people can view all the users thats on my site. (using num_rows etc...)
I have some knowledge on relationships,

an example of how i could go about this would be nice, and i think i can handle the rest.

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-26-2009

[quote author="flyenig" date="1254005029"]How would i acheive a simple friend request system?
for example, Kenny sends a friend request to Jake, Jake accepts and they become friends.
and i can view all of johns friends[/quote]

That is not a specific question: How would I achieve a simple friend request system? So here's my broad and overarching answer:

Store Kenny's friend request in the database. When Jake logs in, display that he has a request. Let Jake accept or deny the request and store that in the database so when Kenny logs in he can see Jake's profile.

See how that works?

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-27-2009

[quote author="bretticus" date="1254006319"]
Store Kenny's friend request in the database. When Jake logs in, display that he has a request. Let Jake accept or deny the request and store that in the database so when Kenny logs in he can see Jake's profile.

See how that works?[/quote]

Yes thats what i need help with. im having a hard time coding that out.

if i can see an example from someone that would be nice Smile

How to Create a friend request system/Users system?? - El Forum - 09-28-2009

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `friend_requests` (  
  `rid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  
  `sender` int(11) NOT NULL,  
  `recipient` int(11) NOT NULL,  
  PRIMARY KEY  (`rid`))

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  
  `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,  
  `friends` text NOT NULL,  
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`))

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `relationships` (  
  `rid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  
  `user_ida` int(11) NOT NULL,  
  `user_idb` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `type` int(1) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`))

Okay the quick and dirty explanation... this is not a perfect setup nor the best but it works and should help you get you on the right track. So you have a bunch of members in the member table.

User A decides to add User B as a friend so the request is sent and a row is created in the friend_requests table. If User B accepts it then a new row is created in relationships table and would contain User A's ID# & User B's ID # and the type of relationship for basic we will use 1 however you can set 2 to be family and so on as needed. Then to get a list of friends you would query the relationship table for anywhere that the user_a or user_b id ='s the users friend list you are trying to find and then you will get a list of ID's. I reccommend getting a book on MySQL to learn how to do complex queries such as Sub Queries etc...