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set_value or input->post - Printable Version

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set_value or input->post - El Forum - 10-20-2009

Hi all,

Someone could explain me the difference between Set_value('varname') or $this->input->post('varname') ? (if there is one...)

I mean after a success in a run validation, should we better use set_value (from form_valdation class) to retrieve data or $this->input->post (from input class) ? And why ?

Look at the 2 following examples

class Form extends Controller {
    function index()
          $this->form_validation->set_rules('varname', 'varname', 'required|xss_clean');
        if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
              $mysafedata['varname']= set_value('varname');                      
              $this->load->view('formsuccess', $mysafedata[]);

class Form extends Controller {
    function index()
          $this->form_validation->set_rules('varname', 'varname', 'required');
          if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
          $mysafedata['varname']= $this->input->post('varname', TRUE);            
      $this->load->view('formsuccess', $mysafedata[]);

So, in this exemple, better use Ex1 or Ex2 ? Why ?
And if Ex2, can someone give me example where "xss_clean" in validation rule could be interesting ?

Thanks a lot for lighting me,

set_value or input->post - El Forum - 10-20-2009

set_value() is meant to be used in views only, I'd use $this->input->post() in the controllers.

set_value or input->post - El Forum - 10-21-2009

Thanks for opinion.

I'm agree seems that set_value has to be used in "write" better in view. And ->input->post in controller...

But as we have set the rule for each elem for a form for example, we have to do same things for input, and (for example) if you set xss_clean, you have to repeat this "treatment" 2 times, for the set_rule value and when you retrieve the input->post value...

Is there a way to optimize those actions ?...