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CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - Printable Version

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CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-01-2009

[eluser]@Frédéric Quié -[/eluser]
A brand new tutorial about how to use Doctrine as a CI's plugin :

It can give ideas ? Nope ?

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-01-2009

[eluser]Burak Guzel[/eluser]
Thanks for linking to my article Smile

Writing the 3rd episode right now.

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-06-2009

Hmm.. seems interesting :-)

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-06-2009

[eluser]saidai jagan[/eluser]
Good. Thanks.

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-06-2009

[eluser]Burak Guzel[/eluser]
For those interested, 3 more articles have been posted:

Day 2 - The Basics

Day 3 - Signup Form

Day 4 - User Login

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-16-2009

[eluser]GSV Sleeper Service[/eluser]
a good series, thanks lane4.

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-16-2009

@lane - I like the clean code you get in the controller by putting the form_validation in a function(_submit_validate()). I'm going to nick that idea. Great stuff!

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-16-2009

Great! Thanks!! Smile

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-16-2009

[eluser]Burak Guzel[/eluser]
Thanks everyone.

Day 5 and Day 6 have been posted, and more of them are coming very soon.

CodeIgniter - Doctrine ORM Tutorial : A way of enhancing CI - El Forum - 11-16-2009

You've done a huge amount of work here and I'm sure it's greatly appreciated by the community.

From my experience using MVC I've concluded that it's not such a good idea to use any data objects in the controller directly.

Doing this then requires all of your application business logic to be in the controller also when it should really be in your models.

The model should encapsulate the Doctrine objects rather than being replaced by them. Even your diagram (in Part 1) shows business logic being in models but your code examples don't.

Maybe at some point you could give examples of how a model might encapsulate the Doctrine data objects. Thanks.