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[SOLVED] Using Ion Auth to secure website section - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Using Ion Auth to secure website section - yhoiseth - 11-13-2014

Hi, everyone.

I'm trying to secure the entire members' area of a website using Ion Auth. I have managed blocking the default page (the index() function) in the following way:

PHP Code:
class Minside extends CI_Controller // Members' area to view orders, change user details and view public profile
    public function 
index() // Loads automatically
        if (!
$this->ion_auth->logged_in()) // Check to see if user is logged in
'You are not logged in.'// TODO: Replace with login form
// If user is logged in
$data['title'] = 'Min side'// Set page title
$data['li1class'] = 'active'// Highlight menu item
$data['li2class'] = '';
$data['li3class'] = '';
$this->load->view('minside'$data); // Members' area menu
$this->load->view('kjop_og_anmeldelser'); // Default page
    public function 
offentlig_profil() // Public profile
$data['title'] = 'Offentlig profil';
$data['li1class'] = '';
$data['li2class'] = 'active';
$data['li3class'] = '';

If the user isn't logged in, they can't access But they can still access

How can i block access to the entire /minside website section without using the same if-statement in all the functions?

RE: Using Ion Auth to secure website section - tapan.thapa - 11-13-2014

Make a constructor and try this..

public function __construct() {
        if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in()) // Check to see if user is logged in

RE: Using Ion Auth to secure website section - yhoiseth - 11-13-2014

That worked, tapan.thapa. Thanks a lot for your quick and helpful reply. I deeply appreciate the effort.