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Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - Printable Version

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Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-05-2009

Hi, once again, thanks for the reply.

I upload the images by FTP and insert data directly to the database because I will be the only user/administrator of the website.

I think this code generate UUID's only using a function:

The problem with this is that I need to change the name of the .jpg by hand.

What I was thinking to do is store the images outside public_html, but my problem is that I need to use image_lib to generate thumbnails on the fly, and I don't know if I can do this with images outside public_html. Besides that, I will use the watermarked images by image_lib in a ajax script...

And as I newbie at web developement I'am affraid of doing the process in the wrong way and not reach the objective...

Best solution for this poor web application?

Best Regards,

Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-06-2009

Do not ever create thumbnails on the fly unless you store them in cache or a thumbs folder. It is just too stressful on your webserver.

Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-06-2009

[quote author="JoostV" date="1260107416"]Do not ever create thumbnails on the fly unless you store them in cache or a thumbs folder. It is just too stressful on your webserver.[/quote]

Hi, thanks for the reply.

And how I do that? You have any example?

Best Regards,

Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-06-2009

On uploading an image simply watermark and resize the uploaded image and store it in a public directory. If you want to keep the original image too, watermark and resize a copy of the original image and store the original image in a different directory.

Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-06-2009

[quote author="JoostV" date="1260124133"]On uploading an image simply watermark and resize the uploaded image and store it in a public directory. If you want to keep the original image too, watermark and resize a copy of the original image and store the original image in a different directory.[/quote]

Thanks for the reply.

As I said earlier, I don't have any backoffice to upload images. The upload of images will be done using FTP. I was thinking in the solution of store the original images outside of public_html and use image_lib to watermark and thumbnail because I don't want to make those tasks by hand.

But I see that the general consensus is that this is not a good idea.

Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-06-2009

Well, I start looking to test if the solution of store images outside public_html is possible.

I have done a function "getImageFromOutside"


function getImageFromOutside($filePath, $folder, $file)  {  

    if (file_exists($filePath . $folder . $file))  
        $contents = file_get_contents($filePath . $folder . $file);                  
        return $contents;    

header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
echo getImageFromOutside('C:/xampp/images/', '1/', '1.jpg');


Now, I need to know something. It is possible to use the value returned by the function and use that in "image_lib"?

And where should I put this function? In helpers?

Best Regards,

Images in CodeIgniter, how to? - El Forum - 12-06-2009

This is how you get a watermarked image from a folder and create that image if it does not yet exist. With a script like this you create thumbs the first time they are requested.

The function goes into a library, so you can reuse it as you see fit.

I did not test this script. You'll have to adjust as you go along)

LIBRARY watermark.php
function getThumbnail ($thumbnailPath, $filePath, $folder, $file)
    if (file_exists($thumbnailPath . $folder . $file) && is_file($thumbnailPath . $folder . $file)) {
        // Thumbnail is available. Return it.
        $src = $thumbnailPath . $folder . $file;
    elseif (file_exists($filePath . $folder . $file) && is_file($filePath . $folder . $file)) {
        // Original file exists. Let's create a thumbnail
        $CI = & get_instance();
        // Create a new thumbnail folder if it does not exist
        if (! file_exists($thumbnailPath . $folder) || ! is_dir($thumbnailPath . $folder)) {
            mkdir($thumbnailPath . $folder);
            chmod($thumbnailPath . $folder, 0777);
        // Create watermarked thumbnail and store in folder
        $config['source_image'] = $filePath . $folder . $file;
        $config['new_image'] = $thumbnailPath . $folder . $file;
        $config['source_image'] = '/path/to/image/mypic.jpg';
        $config['wm_text'] = 'Copyright 2006 - John Doe';
        $config['wm_type'] = 'text';
        $config['wm_font_path'] = './system/fonts/texb.ttf';
        $config['wm_font_size'] = '16';
        $config['wm_font_color'] = 'ffffff';
        $config['wm_vrt_alignment'] = 'bottom';
        $config['wm_hor_alignment'] = 'center';
        $config['wm_padding'] = '20';
        $CI->load->library('image_lib', $config);
        // Return thumb we just created.
        $src = $thumbnailPath . $folder . $file;
    else {
        // Oops, rhere is no orginal file. Return URL to a placeholder image.
        $src = 'images/no_image.png';
    return $src;

$data['thumbnail']src = getThumbnail ($thumbnailPath, $filePath, $folder, $file);
$this->load->view('some_view', $data);