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Accessing Array Elements - Printable Version

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Accessing Array Elements - El Forum - 02-13-2010

Hi, I'm loading an array from a CSV file. The file looks like this:
name, email_address
name1, email1
name2, email2
name3, email3

I'm now attempting to loop through the array for further processing. How can I access each array element? I've gotten this far (using print_r to validate the array has content):
foreach ($data as $field)

How can I access each field?


Accessing Array Elements - El Forum - 02-13-2010

try this:

foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
    echo "Key: $key; Value: $value<br />\n";

Accessing Array Elements - El Forum - 02-13-2010

foreach($data as $field=>$value)
    echo $value; // Value of item

Accessing Array Elements - El Forum - 02-13-2010

Same thing I said heh. Either one should work.

Accessing Array Elements - El Forum - 02-13-2010

When I posted this, I didn't see your reply. Sorry :-)