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Creating pages - Printable Version

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Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

Hey everyone,

I am new to codeigniter so thats probably why i ask this noobish question Tongue
The thing is that i am making a CMS, i can add manage and delete posts. But i also want to add, delete and update pages through the CMS. So i make a page @ the cms and at the frontend there is a new menu item with the new webpage.

Is there a library class for this? I searched everywhere but i cant find it.


Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

hi dizza,

first you need to understand Ci URI structure e.g


for new post

here 'posts()' is function and 'newpost1' its parameter

function posts(parameter){
              //here load your model
             // here load your view
read post like
<a href=" http://your-host/Controller/posts/newpost1">new post</a>
<a href=" http://your-host/Controller/posts/newpost2">new post</a>

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

Thank you, but this is just for posts right? This is the part that i already have. I want to know how to make pages. I think i need a framework, but how can i write/create a new page? Is this with the same structure as above?

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

Off course You Can Just Change Your "View"

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

What's the difference between a post and a page? Nothing?

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

[eluser]Caio Russo[/eluser]
hi dizza.

Let's see with I understand your need:

you have the controller:

function showPosts(){
  //call your model
  $allPosts = $this->posts_model->getAll();  

  //Then send that to your view:
  $this->load->view('posts',array('posts' => $allPosts));

and at your view you work with the array that now is called $posts.

is that?

Caio Russo

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

Use a controller such as this:

class Page extends Controller {

function Page()
function _remap(){
function index(){
$page = $this->page->get($this->uri->uri_string());
} else {
function show_404(){

Then in your routes file inside your config directory set this up ->
$route[':any'] = 'page';

For your model run something like this:

class Page_model extends Model{

function Page_model()
function get($uri = NULL){
$this->db->where('uri', $uri);
$result = $this->db->get('pages');
if($result->num_rows() > 0){
$page = $result->result_array();
$page = $page[0]
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
return FALSE;

This code isn't tested and is only for demonstration purposes only... to simply point you in the right direction.

Hope this helps you out some.

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-27-2010

This is designed to work with freakauth so, it's just an example of admin side controls pretty straight forward. You can also write a query in the model to just display your Page Names (titles) in a css designed menu pretty easly.

This code is a bit old, but should get you in a decent direction. It's like everyone has said, it's not any different than making a blog post with info on it.

I should mention I have my model auto loaded when ci runs, so you'll need too define that either at the top of the controller or autoload it.

class Pages extends Controller
    function Pages()
        $this->_container = $this->config->item('FAL_template_dir').'template_admin/container';
    function index()
    $heading = 'Manage Pages';
    $query = $this->admin_web->page_index();
    $page = $this->config->item('FAL_template_dir').'template_admin/pages/pages';
        $data = array(
        'query' => $query,
        'page' => $page,
        'heading' => $heading

    function editpage()
    $data['heading']='Edit Page';
    $data['query'] = $this->admin_web->page_edit();
    $data['page'] = $this->config->item('FAL_template_dir').'template_admin/pages/editpage';

    function update_page()
    $msg = $this->lang->line('FAL_sp_updated');

function addpage()
    $heading = 'Add Page';
    $page = $this->config->item('FAL_template_dir').'template_admin/pages/addpage';
        $data = array(
        'page' => $page,
        'heading' => $heading

function insert_page()
$msg = $this->lang->line('FAL_sp_added');

function deletepage()
    $msg = $this->lang->line('FAL_sp_deleted');
        echo "That Entry Doesen't Exist.";

Model Functions
//Page Admin
function page_index()
    $this->db->orderby("pid", "asc");
    $page_index = $this->db->get('pages');
    return $page_index;
function page_edit()
    $page_edit = $this->db->getwhere('pages', array('pid' => $this->uri->segment(4)), '', '');
    return $page_edit;
function page_update()
    $this->db->where('pid', $_POST['pid']);
    $this->db->update('pages', $this->db->escape($_POST));
function page_insert()
    $this->db->insert('pages', $this->db->escape($_POST));
function page_delete()
    $this->db->delete('pages', array('pid' => $_POST['pid']));

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-28-2010

Hey all, thanks for the reply's!
Im going to test a few of these solutions you gave.

In the meanwhile i have found an example of what i mean with creating pages (not codeigniter): < here you can create a new webpage and also edit, update and delete it.

This is what i meant with creating pages Tongue

Im sorry if im not clear enough, english is not my main language.

Creating pages - El Forum - 04-28-2010

[eluser]Caio Russo[/eluser]
Oh, you wanted for Scaffolding functions.
