redirect problems - El Forum - 06-10-2010
My redirect seems to be failing
This is my admin contoller located within the "admin" folder
Code: <?php
class Admin extends Controller {
function Admin()
function index()
$data = array(
'title' => 'Admin',
'currentpage' => 'System Administration',
'content' => 'This is the system Administration'
function login()
if ($this->input->post('submit') != FALSE)
$login = array($this->input->post('username'), $this->input->post('password'));
// Login successful, let's redirect.
$data['error'] = 'Login failed, please try again';
function logout()
And this is my auth.php in the libraries
Code: <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Auth {
var $CI = null;
// get the CI Super object
function __construct(){
$this->CI =& get_instance();
function Auth()
function process_login($login = NULL)
// A few safety checks
// Our array has to be set
return FALSE;
//Our array has to have 2 values
//No more, no less!
if(count($login) != 2)
return FALSE;
$username = $login[0];
$password = $login[1];
// Query time
$this->CI->db->where('username', $username);
$this->CI->db->where('password', $password);
$query = $this->CI->db->get('user_account_staff');
if ($query->num_rows() == 1)
// Our user exists, set session.
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('logged_user', $username);
return TRUE;
// No existing user.
return FALSE;
function redirect()
if ($this->CI->session->userdata('redirected_from') == FALSE)
} else {
* This function restricts users from certain pages.
* use restrict(TRUE) if a user can't access a page when logged in
* @access public
* @param boolean wether the page is viewable when logged in
* @return void
function restrict($logged_out = FALSE)
// If the user is logged in and he's trying to access a page
// he's not allowed to see when logged in,
// redirect him to the index!
if ($logged_out && $this->logged_in())
// If the user isn' logged in and he's trying to access a page
// he's not allowed to see when logged out,
// redirect him to the login page!
if ( ! $logged_out && ! $this->logged_in())
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('redirected_from', $this->CI->uri->uri_string()); // We'll use this in our redirect method.
* Checks if a user is logged in
* @access public
* @return boolean
function logged_in()
if ($this->CI->session->userdata('logged_user') == FALSE)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function logout()
return TRUE;
// End of library class
// Location: system/application/libraries/Auth.php
When i try to login at "/admin/admin/login"
I instead get directed to the system's homepage instead of either loading and showing that my logins are incoreect, or if correct, directing me to the admin index controller
and in the url, the path shown is "/admin/login.html"
What's the cause of the problem?
redirect problems - El Forum - 06-11-2010
perhaps the line:
Code: if ($this->input->post('submit') != FALSE)
you can simplify to:
Code: if ($this->input->post('submit'))